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Re: what keeps you going ??

On a bad day, what keeps me going is that there's really not a lot of choice anyway, plus I have a friend who I can have a pity session with but she doesn't judge my son. The blessing of this is that I can be completely honest about how it affects me at the time but she knows I still love him. 

On a good day, what keeps me going is knowing that all 3 of my sons (including the one with all the problems) have grown up into lovely young men who their father would be proud of! No matter what they're doing, they help each other out if it's genuinely needed, even if it's a huge inconvenience. Some days I just have to remind myself how lucky I am in that respect. They may not understand, but they help anyway. 

And definitely meeting people in online support forums like this one, and at a monthly support group. There's nothing quite like lived experience for genuine help - both giving & recieving 🙂 

Re: what keeps you going ??

 Sometimes have to work hard at it though , yes @Kal, but I have found that when something big happens like when my husband went to hospital , how his 4 children came together to support and help their dad

and then since we came home the children have all gone back to their own lives ( they are sprend around )

you said  --- what keeps me going is knowing that all 3 of my sons (including the one with all the problems) have grown up into lovely young men , same here my friend

Hello @utopia. @Determined, @BossandSqueezy, @PeppiPatty

Re: what keeps you going ??

What keeps me goong at the moment?
3 little people to look after... don't have much choice but to keep going...

Re: what keeps you going ??

Hello @Sonny1 and @PeppiPatty Smiley Very Happy, HOW ARE YOU TODAY , and what keeps you going xx

Re: what keeps you going ??

Thank you @Shaz51. Doing ok today. It has been a tough week. Car needed a new alternator. Had a bit of a scare with my dad. Found a grey mass on his lung. Grateful it's not cancer. Still trying to process my whole mum thing and how to manage it without sacrificing my own mental and emotional health. But doing ok. What keeps me going. I'm a private music tutor in music and I love my job. Teaching kids to sing, play piano or guitar is so rewarding and I get to be creative everyday. Also my dog keeps me going. He's such a loving companion.

Re: what keeps you going ??

Like others on this thread, what keeps me going is my kids. Being there for them - sharing the good times as well as the bad. Nothing makes me happier than having a meal together especially one that I have prepared for them. 

Re: what keeps you going ??

What keeps me doing ?

SEeing my very few girffriends. 

Writing my very exciting novel..........Ive written only 8000 words....but I don't mind..those 8000 words are good. 

Knowing that I'm learning how to simplify my life so can give care only to the one's I love........

I was spreadng myself out hugely when I get uinder stress and learning not to naymore. I think it comes with age....

The love of my dog, Arlo. 


Re: what keeps you going ??

Writing a novel and being proud of your efforts must be a wonderful thing  @PeppiPatty. Having friends and a dog certainly helps too. Seems like you are also sorting out your priorities. Good for you. 

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