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Re: money doesn't fix it

hi @Former-Member

Please keep seeking support here and please contact the following services if you require further support:

Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Crisis Chat

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or online counselling

Samaritans: 135 247

Take Care


Not applicable

Re: money doesn't fix it

Nobody can handle me here either @SleepyPanda and guidelines block me being real. Sometimes I just can’t keep dancing in the daisie field for you all

Re: money doesn't fix it

hi @Former-Member

I am sorry to see you are having such a difficult time at the moment. 

If you are feeling that you need more support and other forum members aren't able to provide you that support, please contact health care professionals.

Lifeline: 13 11 14 or Crisis Chat

Suicide call back service: 1300 659 467 or online counselling

Samaritans: 135 247

If in immediate danger: 000


Not applicable

Re: money doesn't fix it

You said that before

Re: money doesn't fix it

Hugs and hugs @Former-Member
Im just catching up on thia thread and the other thread too. I care very much about you. Your family seems really harsh. Perhaps its more about them and their issues rather than yours but they need someone to blame. Anyone but thenselves.
Im not exactly sure what to say that might help as i havent had ro go through what you are but im listening 💞

Re: money doesn't fix it

Not abandoning you at all @Former-Member.  I have been out and about all day and just popping in here every now and then.


What your son did would have hurt me under your circumstances too.  Your circumstances have been awful, and a very heavy load to bear.  You are also a sensitive, caring soul who expects others, especiallly your nearest and dearest to be the same, and your son is not like that ..... not at this point in time anyway.   Maybe he will grow into it, who knows ..... but he wasn’t considering how harmful your family relationships are, and how damaging what your siblings did was for you ..... nor was he able to see that carrying on with your sister as though nothing has happened is inappropriate to the closeness of your relationship with him.  It seems to be completely beyond him.  I am so sorry to hear it, and glad you are telling us, because it is important to tell someone.  Your feelings matter, and they are not being readily validated by other people around you - although what the dr said does go some way towards it ......


Hugs and hugs @Former-Member.  I don’t know what you can do to help your son develop a greater sensitivity towards your feelings and your needs ..... it seems he will have to work it out himself, in time ..... but some of it may be a gender difference, a personality difference, and influence from your ex who doesn’t seem to be able to feel for others very much.


What can you do to help self-care tonight ?  Are you still at your Dad’s house ?  Can you take a nice hot shower to help draw some of the anxiety and tension out of your muscles ?  And steam will help you to breathe a little easier ..... then a nice hot tea to hold in your hands ..... the heat from the cup will be soothing ..... and put some music on in the background ..... and cuddle Georgia.

Re: money doesn't fix it

I was worried about you sista. @Former-Member So glad you finally posted.

Sorry if could not make you feel better. I felt caught between validating the reality of your feelings and amplifying them.

Many people here on the forums do appreciate you.  Not all may be online now tho.

Gently Gently




Re: money doesn't fix it



This was from a photo I took today @Former-Member.  I have painted into it on a phone app ..... just wanted to send it to you, because if I could be there I would bring you flowers ..... ❤️

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Re: money doesn't fix it

Thank you. I feel bad my girl is gone and not here for her 21st birthday next week, if I still don’t feel loved by anyone irl by then I have a date. It’s what they want and I can’t bare it anymore.
I tx my son to say I can’t trust him anymore
I had a wine and cup of tea
and smoking again
stupid emotions
I wish I was more loveable
don’t know how to pick myself up
Sorry I’m such a mess
Not applicable

Re: money doesn't fix it

who knows maybe tomorrow everything will be different

”we’re all sentenced to solitary confinement within our own skin, for life”