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Re: The hits keep coming!

Already using meds to sleep - sometimes my mind is racing so much I am exhausted but don't sleep. Certainly tires me out for a day or two while I'm catching up.

Seeing my GP in an hour. She's so great she fitted me in straight away. Hopefully can talk through a few things and come out more relaxed and switched off a bit. She usually settles me and helps me cope for a while.


Not applicable

Re: The hits keep coming!

Oh @Zoe7, that's one of my fears that someone will come in and take my $1500 trailer. Someone stole one out of the hospital grounds lately, it eases my mind to lock things up. I've padlocked the side gate and veranda gate now. If I have to park it out front I chain it to something. Most theft is opportunistic. I've been robbed (from my car, shed and during a garage sale) i so get that you would FEEL invaded and attacked by ill will. The timing totally sucks but Remember, you don't deserve it, its all on the thief and they're are not likely to ever come back. But Keep your entries open and well lit and doors and gates locked. You'll be ok. xox

Re: The hits keep coming!

Thanks @Former-Member

Had my car stolen a few years ago when someone came inside (at the last place I lived) and stole my keys while I was putting the washing out. Very unnerving knowing I was only a few metres away sleeping and didn't hear them this time. Found it really difficult to sleep last night as a result so just stayed up. I did have the trailer locked before yesterday but the lock had rusted so I had to cut it off Tuesday to use it yesterday. Went out and it was gone Smiley Sad

Been to see my GP this morning (don't know where I'd be without her - certainly is my rock at the moment) and am going back tomorrow. Feel a bit better after those visits - she's very engaging, caring and understanding. Trying some new meds and upping others to see if they will help me stabilise a bit more. Fingers crossed they can help over the next few weeks as both my GP and Psych will be away until 2nd week of Jan.

Re: The hits keep coming!

Hi @Zoe7,

So sorry to hear about the theft! Understandable that you feel unnerved and found it difficult to sleep last night, I think anyone would under those circumstances!

That's wonderful that your GP is such a good support. I'm glad you feel a little better after seeing her. That's tricky that your GP and psychologist will be away over the holidays. Do you have any self-care strategies that help you during difficult times?

Take care,


Re: The hits keep coming!

Am quite worried about how I am going to get through those few weeks. Seeing either GP or Psych nearly every second day and on the other days if I'm really struggling one or both will make time to see me. I have become really reliant on them for support - but most likely wouldn't be around now if I hadn't had it. Have spent way too much time on this forum this week LOL - has become my other outlet for keeping busy and not feeling too much being alone and not connected to the 'real world'. We are going to work on a more concrete plan tomorrow for the next few weeks. In the meantime - this is where I will probably be (until my fingers drop off from typing). Smiley LOL

Re: The hits keep coming!

So you feel that reaching out for support has kept you safe recently? Good on you @Zoe7. Even though you are appreciative of your GP and psychologist's support, recognise that you are the one who accessed it.

Great that you will be working on a concrete plan tomorrow to look after yourself over the break - you are welcome to share it with us afterwards if you want.

Glad to hear that spending time of the Forums helps you feel connected and busy Smiley Happy It's great having you around, feel free to keep typing until your fingers drop off Smiley Very Happy

Re: The hits keep coming!


Just got a call from the boys in blue - trailer may have been found - should know in about an hour when they send someone to the suspected location. Fingers crossed - Santa may come for me after all!

Re: The hits keep coming!

Fantastic @Zoe7 - fingers crossed!

Re: The hits keep coming!


Just had some good news - trailer found and can pick it up tomorrow. I know this probably won't matter much to anyone else but it's one of those unexpected wins that I really needed - might even be able to sleep tonight now Smiley Surprised

Re: The hits keep coming!

Huge win @Zoe7! It matters to me, I'm really happy for you Smiley Very Happy

Hope you sleep well,
