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Re: 14th year house bound

dearest Karen
Look...... I think your cool. Full stop. Though my situation has been somewhat similar ....... Well ...... Elements of your story are the same .......
I am overwhelmed just reading what your going through with your daughters
I've had some very ......... Violent men in my life ...... Pushed by my dad and only until dreams of him taking my home did I realise why ........
So there ........ Elements of your life are similar
But it's not the same.
I take my hat off to you for so far. I hand you a bouquet of tulips into your hands for how you have managed your life so far.
I place my left hand on your shoulder in pride for your strength for how you have loved your children to now.
Let's see what tomorrow brings my friend. I wrap you up in the dooms I'm sewing you. It's of strips of white separated by ruffles of flowery material ......

Re: 14th year house bound

Help yourself Anne, Jacques is learning to share:-)

Re: 14th year house bound

I got marshmallows if the fire is going?!

Re: 14th year house bound

HI @CherryBomb

@hiddenite and @Jacques are sharing chocolates with me but............

Im so much of a chocolate eater Ive brought some very sma;; dark chocolate pieces to suck on for all of us...

Marshmellows sound like a brilliant idea.

Ive got a photo of the doona I'm sewing Karen but my camera isnt here......

Do you want me to sew you one too?


Re: 14th year house bound

Thanks Anne 

You are too kind thank you

Hope someone has a fire burning I'm freezing

Hope someone has a fire burning I'm freezing

Re: Hope someone has a fire burning I'm freezing

not one burning yet @hiddenite, I got some logs, they need some chopping though. Anyone want to chops these, @PeppiPatty?? Can you wood chop? Can you knit us all a rug, like a community rug for everyone?

Re: Hope someone has a fire burning I'm freezing

Such wonderful imaginations that we all have !


Its amazing ... my son has actually just turned on the heater ... for about 6 years we havent been allowed to have it on cos he was always overheating ... now he feels hot and cold naturally ... he was so stubborn he would go out in middle of winter in t shirt ... he even put on a windcheater too.

Love the idea of a community rug ... it is one of positive things I always remember about the orphanages ... the knitting girls ... natter natter ... sorry @Jacques we love you too.

Re: Hope someone has a fire burning I'm freezing

@Appleblossom @PeppiPatty @hiddenite and @Jacques and anyone else viewing this, what colours would you like the rug to be?

Ok, I've started chopping the wood, now I'm gathering some kindling. 

Re: 14th year house bound

 yes please @PeppiPatty, their is nothing like a nitted blanket, i still have mine from when i was 5 years old!!!!!!!