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Casual Contributor


Hi All xxx  I'm a business owner, caring mother, have a lovely partner but I cannot get control of this disease. EVERYDAY I need alcohol to feel happy & motivated. I'm so tired of it controlling me! 

I wake up each day, craving the wine. Anxious to leave the house, anxious about not feeling in control. As soon as I take my first sip of wine, I'm ME again. I used to feel great without it but now it's my comfort. I dislike it so much! I need help. Do you feel like this too?? sending Love to all xx




Re: Alcoholic

Hey @Chris222 


You're not alone.. I am kind of a drab person and with alcohol, I am the life of the party!..


But I also get alcohol anxiety which just stuffs up the next day and then you fall into a pattern of using alcohol to drown out anxiety.. Thats me anyway..


Is your underlying issue the pressure to be this person you are with alcohol?  Do you feel like people would not still treat you the same without it?


Re: Alcoholic

Hi lovely! I've always been an outgoing person without it yet I just can't deal with the anxiety. I'm on anti depressants and v when needed yet it doesn't seem to work like wine does ughhh

Re: Alcoholic

I don't remember a day I didn't need wine in the last few years! How about you??

Re: Alcoholic


Yeap Anxiety is a four-letter word.  I struggle with it every day and to be honest, Depression and anxiety get lumped together when they are 2 totally different sets of symptoms.  


Is this something you want to change, and you're looking for how others get by without alcohol?


Re: Alcoholic

sending you understanding hugs @Chris222 

I know with mine , it masks my aches and pains which i experience , I have cut back to just have a glass or 2 on the weekend which is hard 

and not having any in the house helps too 


hello @AussieRecharger@TAB@utopia@Appleblossom 

and remember to put @ in front of memebers names and they will receive your message 

Re: Alcoholic

Hugs to you too xxx

Re: Alcoholic

Yes I need to learn how to be strong and not give into it

Re: Alcoholic

we are with you @Chris222 Heart

I find it hard too , I love to have some everyday 

my husband is on anti depressents and anti anxiety meds and has been told that alcohol makes him want more so he has been replacing his with milo drink 

I am not sure how much alcohol you are having xx

Re: Alcoholic



What are your strengths?  Can i ask if you are actually happy with the person you are when you are drinking, or do you do it for everyone else?  


I am detecting you are a strong person, and people will love you sober, probably more than they love you now because your strength will give them strength to overcome their battles too.