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Senior Contributor

Re: Alcoholic

Thanks for sharing. I can identify. I have to try and control my alcohol intake as I live in isolation and loneliness.  My only coping mechanism.  I try and do some readings from AA literature just to control my alcohol cravings for coping.  Regards, Owen.

Senior Contributor

Re: Alcoholic

Thanks for sharing. I can identify. I have to try and control my alcohol intake as I live in isolation and loneliness.  My only coping mechanism.  

Re: Alcoholic

I read the AA literature to try and find ways to control my cravings for alcohol in my isolation. 

Senior Contributor

Re: Alcoholic

 I am saying hello here as have been floating around , and was tagged here. I dont have anything really useful to say.

I tried AA a long time ago.

I drank the next 20 years minus 27 days.

I have made a lot of bad decisions.

I spent a lot of money earned doing horrible jobs.

I made myself ill so many times.

I live alone.

I  find structure/relief in drinking.

I spend more on it in a week than I do on clothes in a year, plus have health problems now as get older.

Been told many times by doctors to stop.

I've not drunk 3 and a bit days now, so it is very likely I will today.


Re: Alcoholic

Hey @Chris222 


Just wanted to check-in and see how you were doing?  Did any of our suggestions help?

Re: Alcoholic

I can identify with many of these points, you are not alone. 

Re: Alcoholic

Hi, I am new here don't know how to create a new post or thread or use this.


I am wanting to talk about alcoholism among other things. 


I am actually 1 month off alcohol now for the first time in about 15 years straight because I am on blood thinners and drikning would put me further at risk of dying etc. 


Problem is even now I struggle with thinking about alcohol and it has been really hard (harder than my life threatending injuries) to deal with not drikning and the cravings even after weeks off it and sober.


I can only drink once a week now (massive session nutil I can't drink anymore) but still feel addicted and think about it every day. 


I find that I get bored if life, feel very serious and angry and boring, and need an escape which is alcohol. 


It instantly makes me feel better with 1 mouthful. 


I used to only got 'out' to drink but now I only really stay home on my own and drink alone during Covid and end up messaging heaps of people I would never message and regret pretty much all of it but don't care when drinking as need attention and think 'why can't people respond what's wrong with them I am being friendly the world need more friendliness'.


I can function and deal with hangovers no problem really and it usually goes, drink, deal with the hangover day, next day feel extremely fresh and want to drink again, drink, rinse repeat. 


Sometimes I do 5 out of the 7 days and rarely I took more than 2 days off until recently. 


I find I am a different person drinking, patient, friendly, interested, loving, and the opposite when I am not drinking. 


I have said I can control it and stop whenever I want but I don't think I can, no one seems to care and I've ruined HEAPS of my life doing this, relationships with lovers, friends, work, it goes on, money, high risk activities etc. 


I want to talk and be honest, anyone here?

Senior Contributor

Re: Alcoholic

Sorry @Danm I really need to sleep here . Hopefully during the day tomorrow someone will see this
There is an introduce yourself thread somewhere
@MDT @HenryX a little help here?

Re: Alcoholic

Hello @Danm 


I noticed your post from about an hour ago because of a reference given by @TAB . If you are online at present I am free for a little while.


How do you think that anyone, including myself, might be able to help you?


To reply to me just "copy and paste" my forum address @HenryX  into the "reply" box.


Alternatively, with the mouse-cursor in the reply box you can type the symbol @ and my forum address will be in the drop down list. Click my forum address in the drop down list and you will see it included in your message.



Re: Alcoholic

Hello @Danm 


You have successfully posted your message to which I responded earlier.

  • Now the way to know who has answered you is to look at the word New near the top right of the page and just to the right of the words Guidelines & Info .
  • When a message has been sent to you, there will be a small circle attached to the word New . In the circle will be a number which tells you how many messages are waiting for you.
  • Clicking on the word New will take you to the "Your Notifications" page.
  • On the "Your Notifications" page, you will see a list of the messages that have been addressed to you and also those messages that have been posted in threads in which you have been active. Initially, the list of Notifications will be small and gradually will increase with your activity.
  • It is worthwhile having a look at the Guidelines & Info so that you are aware of ways to protect your own identity and that of others. The anonymity of people using the website is protected by the provisions detailed in the Guidelines & Info
  • This is a starting point. We can gradually build up knowledge on other functions of the site. I hope this information will help. If you have any questions, please ask in any thread. This thread will be a starting point, but I look forward to assisting you explore other functions of the site.
  • I really hope that we can assist you in your progress. I can say that I am aware of the issues that you face and will be more than happy to assist in any way that I can.

Look forward to catching up with you later today,

With Best wishes
