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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

Hello @Former-Member

I just checked the email and there is nothing there from you.  I have just sent you an email through, hopefull you receive it and can click reply.

I am also hoping you are OK, technology is frustrating when it does not work properly and can make those difficult feelings much worse.

Take care, MummaMia

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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

Hi @Former-Member, I just sent a return email to see if it works. I am not that good atm but will get there, just a hard few nights.

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RE: Darkness surrounds me

Hi @Former-Member, I just sent a return email to see if it works. I am not that good atm but will get there, just a hard few nights.

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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

Hello @Former-Member

Very relieved to have received and responded to your email.  Lets hope it keeps working from here.

Take care, MummaMia

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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

As night time comes around again, my anxiety starts to rise again. I know why it does, because night time is always so much worse, but I wonder when will it end. It's like my head starts screaming at me and there is no escape from it. My heart starts pounding and I start sweating just thinking about the night to come and how it will be just me and my screwed up thoughts

Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

Hi @Former-Member. Night times can be so long and hard for lots of people here. Knowing how bad the nights can be can make them feel scary even before they properly start.

It's very quiet here in my house tonight, with mine all going down early. If a distraction or some company might help, I have more of that cryptic crossword we could have a go at.
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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

Hello @CheerBear, thanks for the reply. I don't expect anyone too, it's just I need to get things out of my head. I feel like a broken record that keeps repeating the same thing over and over again. I get sick and tired of myself saying the same crap again and again.

Happy to have a go at more cryptic crosswords, might keep me entertained again during the night.

Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

I can so relate to the above too @Former-Member. There have been lots of times when I've felt like a broken record as well. Maybe the over and over thing is the brain's way of trying to make sense of something it can't quite make sense of yet. That's kind of how I understand it at least.

Just making a cup of tea and I'll head over the brain teaser thread 🙂
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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

Another night starts
Just a bad as before
the screams in my head
are beginning to roar


Tonight I am sad
Tonight I am lonely
the deamons are screaming
and I've got no one to hold me

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Re: RE: Darkness surrounds me

I can't do this anymore, I don't want to put up with the pain

What is the point of trying when you never succeed

I just want to close my eyes and get some peace