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I can’t cope

Re: I can’t cope

😮 @Captain24 they're so cool! 

Love the colours in the mosaic mirror, it's really beautiful 

Re: I can’t cope

I’ve almost finished my diamond art that I’ve been doing since about July. @Ru-bee. Just a few more hours to go. 

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @Captain24  🙂

Re: I can’t cope

Hey @tyme 


How are you 

Re: I can’t cope

What's happening? @Captain24 


Loved the artwork you have been doing!

Re: I can’t cope

My mosaic didn’t turn out how I thought it would. @tyme. That music box was hard and took a while. Im soooo close to finishing the diamond art. 

Taking Pix and Jett to get a Santa photo tomorrow. They are doing them at the vet. 

I had my last appointment with my CM today. She is moving to older persons so ahead of schedule can’t see me anymore. I’m not sure what is happening with me though. I forgot to ask and she never said. She is going to email me in a couple of days so I’ll ask then.

Re: I can’t cope

Oh yes! Sorry, my brain.... I had every intention to ask you yesterday because I remember you said you were doing to get discharged from Comm Health. I'm so so sorry I got wrapped up in my own story...! I feel so bad. I was honestly going to talk to you about it.


For me, when my CM moved on, they assigned me to someone else. I wonder if you can ask:

1) IF they discharge you, can it be AFTER the new year when things settle a bit?

2) Can they transfer you to another CM?


At the same time, you still have your 'good' psych, right @Captain24 ?


Also, how awesome they do santa photos at the vet! That shows dedication! 

Re: I can’t cope

It’s all good @tyme. I am keen to know where you are planning on going? If you are ok saying. I like hearing about your life. It takes the focus off me!

Also I’m glad you will be around in the new year. 


I’ll wait until she emails me and quiz her. They don’t work during Christmas break and I’ll be working so I’ll be busy.


They haven’t done it since I’ve had pix but they did it when I had Honey. I’m just going to get the 2 of them together. It’s $5 and goes to the local guide dogs. I’ll post a photo when I get it. Without Santa’s head! 

I just finished this. 


Re: I can’t cope

Awesome diamond art! Sooo. What do you do with the completed artwork? That's my dilemma. I love making them, but I don't like them not having a purpose.


As for going overseas, I'm going to different parts of India. @Captain24 The colour, culture and hospitality there is AMAZING!


I went a few years ago but only to a few places. I may also go to Singapore to see my cousins. I'm really not sure yet because nothing is booked.


I also really want to take my eldest niece to Japan, but my sister said no. 


I really like New Zealand. It's really lovely there, but expensive.


As I said, I just know I'm going overseas, but don't know exactly where yet.

Re: I can’t cope

You’re hilarious @tyme. You and planning! 😜


Why did she do no to Japan? 

I frame them and hang them in my hallway. I need to save and get picture rails throughout the rest of my house so I have more places to hang them. 


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