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Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

This is a very common concern in therapy, but I thought I would get your thoughts.


How do you balance being honest enough with your therapist that they will be able to help you in a meaningful way and being vague enough that they don't take you to hospital even though you don't need to or don't want to?


That is a horrible sentence, but I hope you get the idea. How bad does it have to be to warrant involuntary admission?


Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

@Former-Member  whenever I have been involuntarily admitted it has been because of multiple factors so like if I said I was feeling suicidal AND I had a plan, means AND an intent to act on those plans in the near future then they would admit me but if i just said i was having thoughts but nothing specific then they would usually just talk to me about it. i hope that makes sense. sorry you are feeling so bad that you are having thoughts like that. 

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

Oh Darling Flo...


ALWAYS be honest with your therapist, please. They are unlikely to have you taken to hospital against your will unless they have a professional, rational fear that you are in danger.


You may not be able to see that danger yourself. 



Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

@Former-Member I don't ever be fully honest about this anymore.  My old psych freaked out, she's admitted that she's not equipped to manage me when in crisis, that's why I don't see her anymore cause I've been there a lot recently. But she called community mental health on me, I back tracked pretty quick, empty promises and all.

I'm frequently in the position of having all 4 that @Eden1919  mentioned, it's scary. 
I guess if you don't be fully honest then you cant get the help that you need?  
I seen my psychologist today, we discussed it briefly in session.

hope your ok @Former-Member @Eden1919 

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

It sounds like you've had some really invalidating experiences trying to talk about suicidal thoughts with therapists @Bow and after that, I can understand wanting to avoid it. Suicide is a tricky subject that many people, professionals included, find tricky to talk about. I wonder how many of them hear a mention and jump into almost over-caution, though it is for a reason. Most professionals you'd go to have a duty of care to ensure the safety of those they work with. Sometimes, reactions that might seem hasty can come from this. But, as @SJT63 highlighted, it's really important to seek that help and talk about it, as scary as that can feel. I've noticed a few people here on the forums prefacing discussions of suicidal thoughts with something like 'I'm safe' (when this is the case) to help the moderators & other staff watching over the forums know they just need to let it out, though when we check in, it generally goes back to that ensuring safety, duty of care and caring for our wonderful members. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts or insights on navigating this they could share?

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

Think if I was honest the majority of the time I would be locked up... should throw the key away. 

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

@Bow  I hope you are ok too


@TideisTurning  I think that is a good point if you are feeling safe enough to not do anything but just want to talk about your feelings around the topic @Former-Member  maybe it is a good idea to tell your psych that you are feeling safe before hand so they know you are just needing to talk/vent. 

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

I was honest throughout late November and December last year.  The services were dishonest with me.  @Former-Member @Bow Mostly I am very restrained about voicing my own SI.  So it takes someone intuitive who knows me to realise how close I am getting.


The services need a lot more levels or protocols of treatments for different lievels of SI, IMO.  I was open and left myself open to very damaging experiences.

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

@Eden1919  I agree with Eden1919 as I have said some shocking things that I feel I am capable of to my psychiatrist but have not been admitted (thank god). I just get to see my mental health nurse once a week and my psychiatrist once a month. Seriously you would be shocked as to what has come out of my mouth @Former-Member  but still have not been admitted because of the level of care I was getting on the outside plus the majority of the parients where I live a drug affected so my psychiatrist thinks it would be detrimental for my care to be put in the same units with them.

Re: Being too honest about suicidal thoughts?

Good on your for voicing those things @greenpea you have a good relationship with your psychiatrist? 
So many things that I dare not put a voice to.