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Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi @darrenhayes


We all come to this forum for a reason that has to do with emotional discomfort and or problems with mental health - and it would be really helpful for many I think if you would tell us a little of your story - this might help us to relate to you


Actually this is my thread and put here for a more light-hearted take on the world - and it's fine to tell a joke here


But who are you and what do you need from us -



Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

1.Nurses wake u up ask if u need tabs to sleep better. Funny thing that is, my fav go to
2.Music videos, veronicas on your side, savage garden and James blunt

Why in here head and spine injury, eventually fatal sadly but I just want to help others so this never ever happens to any one else

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Yes @darrenhayes

.Nurses wake u up ask if u need tabs to sleep better.

and another one that used to happen to me in hospital when i was little

the nurses would wake you up to have a needle to help you sleep == WHY !!!

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi @darrenhayes


Thanks for telling us a little about yourself - it's really hard to answer people if we don't know anything


I have gathered by now you have been feeling really frustrated in getting anyone to talk to you - but this thread is for just about any odd tags and bits of life or whatever


However I know more about head injuries than I would like to - my ex bf had a severe head injury with deficiencies that he worked hard to overcome - but for the rest of the time I knew him he had residual physical problems he could not overcome


So I read here that you have head and spinal injuries that will be eventually terminal - I am really sad about that - I can't imagine what that is like - but I can tell this is really hard for you


One thing I can only assume but knowing what I did about my bf - he had a lot of trouble communicating with people when I first met him - and with practise this became easier for him - so the more you write and maybe start to get helpful replies then you will find this easier


How extensive were your head injuries and spinal injuries? Are you able to type without too much trouble.


Let's hope you can find some people who will chat - once they know something about you I am sure they will


Lots of luck with that and glad you replied




It's  really great that you wanat to help others so this never happens to anyone else. I am glad you have come to this site and told me this - it is honorable to hope this never happens to anyone else - but alas - it will


But please share your story - if you want to do it on this thread that is okay with me

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

I know it will no one to do that to themselves is an impossible unrealistic expectation

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

The brain stem is gone and very crucial neurological bones, my brain is fine, I'm walking talking, but screaming pain head to toe

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi @darrenhayes

I cant but be overwhelmed just reading about your physical challenges.  I can understand you would be a master or managing negative thoughts to be able to contribute to the forum in the way that you have.

I take my hat off to you.

Good will to you and Gentleigh Bentleigh

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi @darrenhayes


Thanks for telling us this - it does help us to understand


Having so much damage to your brain stem is an horrific injury - I can't imagine this


But chronic pain is something I know about.


Are you having any pain management for this? - having pain to that degree is really compromising - making it hard to have any quality of life


Can you tell us what happened to cause such severe injuries? You are right - nothing you say can stop someone else from having it happen to them - eg - when it comes to driving - people can only control their own driving and there are other people on the roads - people of all sorts - who can get badly injured


Keep writing now you have started Darren - you life must be difficult and lonely - do you have people around to help take care of you



Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi Peeps - I have a joke - and if every one groans - that's okay -


Back in the days of sailing ships the ship's captain and the ships surgeon found two weevils in their ships biscuits and the captain asked the surgeon


"If you had to choose between these two weevils and your life at sea depended on it which one would you would you choose"


And the surgeon chose the larger because he was fatter and stronger but the captain chose the smaller saying


"I chose the smaller because at sea one often has to chose the lesser of two weevils"


Okay - okay - okay I know - it's terrible

