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Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

The last one. I was taught that it was polite to leave one, but also taught that if it sat for a while, was equally polite to take it, as the cook would be happy to know his/her food was appreciated.

My mother always tried to make sure there was enough that several pieces were left, proving that sufficient food had been provided.

Birthday cake. Funniest I saw was Poppas cake caught fire from the candles 🙂 Quite exciting few moments hahahaha

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Ha ha , Heart

Hello @BlueBells, @Decadian, @Appleblossom, @eth

I just remember this is my thread - months back - so I shall continue --- I thought soo @Decadian, that`s why I brought it up front again Smiley Happy

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Thanks @Shaz51


We can keep going with the odd things we think about - this is meant to be a quirky look at life


One thing that helps us know we are getting older - our birthday cake collapses under the weight of all the candles


Enough said - would anyone like to know what I deleted - ah - not telling



Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

i remember always being told not to take the last of anything and that a proper lady always leaves the table hungry. sigh.. not something i learned well.

i tell my kids that they smell a funny colour.

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

I like that @Former-Member - something smelling a funny colour is something I really identify with


When my kids hurt themselves in the million ways children do I would ask them if they wanted me to put some "stuff" on it - and what colour would they like. Apart from the brilliant green that I kept for warts the purple, yellow or red stuff was deemed harmless at the time - but would help with being antiseptic - of course - what shape bandaide would help - as if it ever matters - stretchy or plastic


I had a variety of harmless but antiseptic "cures" - even just rubbing some vasiline on a sore part could help unless it was a burn - what was it about the variety of "stuff" I offered my kids for minor injuries?


Perhaps giving them a choice was the important part - and of course "Mummy's kiss" is there anything better than that?


Smelling a funny colour - yeah - I'm someone's mother and totally understand that



Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi Dec, yes, weight of candles, that's why they start counting in tens 😄 😄 😄

Mummys kiss, quite magical, really. I was just thinking about that one, animals lick wounds, to clean and help heal, so maybe way back that is how it started, I mean, how often do we get a scratch and lick or use spit on a hanky/tissue to wipe it?

(Yes, I use handkerchiefs a lot, and my grandsons like them too, but their mum doesn't 😞 )

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi a duck walks into a bar and asks for bread
No we don't have bread the bar man says
The duck asks again for bread
Barman says sorry no bread and if you ask me again I'm going to nail you to that wall

Duck says do u have nails
Barman says no
Duck cheekilyxasks for bread

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

I love the 


smelling like a colour


I told my kids 


pumpernickel bread was 

chocolate bread

and then when they didnt want more 

"Oh you dont like chocolate bread".

It was the best joke I could come up with when the girls were little. Wish I could have done more.

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi everyone can u take 15 mind of ur time
Type in YouTube, try not to laugh challenges you'll love them you wil laugh yourself silly @Appleblossom@shaz51@bluebay@teej@donotknow@lisajane@supernova@sunshine1@unloveable@coffeelover

Re: Things we don't really need to know - but then..........

Hi @darrenhayes

type what in youtube?