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Re: The Beer Garden

Just got home. Thought may be probs at office but woman at site mustn't have said I had a choice All Good!!๐Ÿ˜

Re: The Beer Garden

Plus getting paid at usual rate Phew hate to think.. and they paying me back for fuel had to buy when servo they have card for was offline

Re: The Beer Garden

.. Nine Lives Black Tabby Cat ๐Ÿฑ lolo I have my moments..

Re: The Beer Garden

Yep. Funny, aches really setting in now got home
Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Good you feel better today @Decadian. ๐Ÿ’•
I can understand why you don't want to move. Too stressful, plus family and I remember you said you're in government housing.
Pays to keep your place.

@Shaz51 ๐Ÿ˜™โค Big hug to you. You have struggled in life, sorry to hear.
Do you feel happier these days, or are you still struggling with depression?
That's amazing how the spot on your brain has gone.
Do you have problems with migraines etc any more? xo

Glad you're in hospital where they can look after you @Kurra. Big hugs to you. ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ’œ
Sounds awfully painful.
Sorry, I misunderstood and thought it was your back.
Did you know that you had an ulcer? xo

Freedom for a while @TAB ๐Ÿ˜€
Rest up so you can get rid of those aches and pains.
Good you don't have to do all that hard work in the heat. โ˜•๐Ÿฐ

Re: The Beer Garden

hello @Decadian xx

sending you hugs my friend HeartHeart

 you can  start the thread if you like , if you want too ??-xx -- called I really do know what it is like to have depression

your friend Shaz


Re: The Beer Garden

No @Former-Member I didn't know. I thought it was my back too. Reckoned the throwing up was just the intensity of the back pain.
When I threw up I knew it was potentially dangerous.
Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Oh wow! @Kurra. You really need to be looked after. I wonder what they'll do if it has ruptured???? Any idea? ๐Ÿ’•

Re: The Beer Garden

Hello @Former-Member xx , how are you today ?

thank you for the big hug my friend xx

Do you feel happier these days -- well I have not been that low again 

 are you still struggling with depression?-- , i have had cry days , ups and down days but hubby thinks it is from him

That's amazing how the spot on your brain has gone.--- I know, I could not believe it either xx, it took me a long time to accept it as the specialist said i would be on tablets everyday for life

Do you have problems with migraines -- sometimes i still have them


Re: The Beer Garden

You have an amazing story and an amazing resilience @Shaz51 .... I love that your uncle gave you the house your father denied you ... and the black spot on your brain .... and the other issues from German Measles .... and you have cared for so many children for other people, and your step-children .... and you continue to just give and give ....

You are one special lady .... !