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Re: The Beer Garden

yep dry @Kurra well, sorta , being in a tank standing in water prob makes it humid lol .. may have to put a rag under hardhat today, was a waterfall yest, sweat just pouring off me, sorta get stuck in do too much for half an hr maybe then break, repeat, anyway.. moments like that its like why didnt I lose that weight or go to gym or bla bla I sweat a lot anyway at best of times dunno

And thanks Smiley Happy hope you have a good day. Not game to pray for rain here, but storm on the cards, and I have to be back in kal wed, so the rest is their problem haha lol, ie if if jobs not done by then ..effem ..lovely people that hey are .. lol ..oh .. supposedly coming back here for a week over xmas well if havent upset anyone too much .. re grumpy comments may have made in literal 'heat of moment' lolo again cant care Cat Tongue

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Kurra @Former-Member etc job changed got told when got to work, no nites now, days only, woman had verbal 'scuffle' with yest greeted me with a loud and cheery (insert name here) lol ! then said too many bods, you mentioned work coming up, you can go when you want, thought of a few scenarios then after they said now was an option, well I'm gone haha, just packing room, then 5 hour drive lol prob labor people not to happy now too bad lol

Re: The Beer Garden

Good choice @TAB

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Shaz51


I have been feeling off-colour all weekend with sinus-pressure - bad headache - but I am feeling better today - thanks for asking - it always helps


Your Hubby has enough happening I guess - but his first Christmas without his Dad will be tough


It makes me wonder - thank God for the reason for the season but for those of us with family members falling off the Family Tree makes us wonder about a Christmas Tree - sometimes I get mine out and sometimes I don't - I still don't feel Chrismassy myself - yet - maybe I will but not right now


And how are you today - I know you are probably looking forward to semi-retirement but not your Hubby


Wow - thinking of you



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Re: The Beer Garden

Gosh! Upsetting for you @TAB 😯
Sounds like an awful situation to go through. Sounded like a very difficult job anyway.

Good thing is, you have more work coming up, with a few days break inbetween.

Rest up and enjoy your few days off. 😺🍰

Thinking of you @Kurra
Keep in touch about how you're going, re: your back. Did weeding your garden bring on this terrible pain?
Hugs to you. xo

How's @Former-Member? 😙💕
Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Decadian 💕

I hope your sinuses clear up soon. Can be so painful and exhausting having allergies. 😮😨😣

I had allergies really bad when I lived in Melbourne. I hardly ever do where I live now.

Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Former-Member


I do feel better today but tired - it's very wearing battling any kind of health issue - no matter what kind


Melbourne has to be the capital city of the world for allergies - but I have lived here all my ife and my family is here - I don't feel inclined to move much


But sometimes I think about moving to Launceston - I have been there a few times and I could fly to Melbourne to see my pain specialist and dentist - as well as my family - but then - there are other things to be considered


Ahhhhhhhhhhhh - Launceston is a pretty place and I like it there so much but Melbourne is my home - allergies and all


But thanks



Re: The Beer Garden

Hello @Decadian HeartHeart

I have missed you my friend xx

hope you are feeling a bit better today

here is another little piece of my life xoxo

I have been wondering to put one of my stories here or if the Mods want to move it somewhere else -- that is ok too , I have thought for a while to share my story -- so here goes my friends xx

when I was 27 , I started to have mindgrains everyday , anything would set it off, a light from a passing car , anything , if i took some painkillers early i would be ok except for a heavy headache , but if i didn`t take painkillers l early i would have to go through the whole cycle , being so sick that i had to go to hospital to have a needle , this went on for ages , the doctor didn`t know what it was .

one night at a 11pm , I could not breah, it was soo scary , the ambulance came and took me to hospital , the doctor gave me some paracetamol and sent me home

well a week later at 1am , i screamed out , mum rang the ambulance , by the time the ambulance came , I was having near death experience which i was going to a bright light , mum thought i was dead , I was going far away looking down at mum and the ambulance man until he brought me back with oxygen

I ended up in hospital for a week , had hundreds of tests done and they found out i developed Epilepsy, There was a black spot in my brain , which they gave me medication which gave me Depression and weight gain

for the next 3 years I suffered from depression, hurting  myself , hating myself , I had my own childcare business and mum helped me sooo much , but the weekends were my worst and Mum felt so helpless to help me , I would cry all weekend , hurting  myself and so on

I followed the doctors orders and after 3 years he did a scan and the big black spot on my brain was gone , he could not believed it , he called it amazing and asked if he could take my case to melbourne

well coming off the tablets was another scary story as i would wake up in the middle of the night screamim]ng because i forgot my tablets

so sometimes people will say you dont know what it is like to have depression -- Guess what I DO KNOW SO !!!!

Re: The Beer Garden

Eek @Shaz51


That is a horrible - extended - experiencered face.jpg


Yes - you know what depression is - and so do I - having had reactive depression which is a bit different but still - aw - it is so hard to see the good side - yes - if at that stage of our lives there is a good side


Somewhere I got the idea that - "Okay - I will put up with grieving for my son. I will accept it as a normal way of life - I will not let anyone take it away from me - I have the right to feel so bad"


Something changed - it's so long ago now I forget - but he came to me in a dream and told me he was leaving and would not be back - and in the sense of that soul-destroying grief which I guess was pretty much like reactive depression - he did leave. Of course I remember him everyday but my life is no longer running into a bad place with migraine whenever I got overwhelmed and lost my way


I am glad you have told this story - perhaps they can starft a new thread with this - say


I really do know what it is like to have depression


If I could have a magic cure it would be that people would stop feeling that they are being childish etc in having depression -


Also - after a trip to hospital in an ambulance they gave you a minor pain pill - d'uh - I do believe that though - I have had it happen myself


Thinking of you



Re: The Beer Garden

No @Former-Member. My back hurts but it's my stomach. They think it might be a ruptured ulcer. Told I might be here for a while