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Re: Night Shift

Thanks so much for your kindness @Jacques and for the hugs. LisaJane and I are now in a sudden Topic Tuesday that has sprung up about music therapy. It's a really positive subject, good therapy in itself at the moment. If you are interested, join us there:

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Re: Night Shift

Thanks @Former-Member - I will keep trying to help her - I met her in hospital in 2006 - I care about her a lot..... 

Re: Night Shift

Dearest @Mazarita

So thinking of you. I have so much to write so can I start by a general Anne uplift message??

My darling husband has worked out his password and can use my computer all the time now.....such a relief. 

@Mazarita Love the messages your getting. @aButterfly might be right.....just things he's getting used to and he needs some time to work it out?? Did I get this right aButterfly?

@Jacques message is so correct, you have changed so much. I remember writing to you several months ago how much you have changed and just need to rest, not just because of meopause but because of all of it???

Your messages have Always been so correct, calm ans reassuring.......


Re: Night Shift

Dearest Anna....@aButterfly,

I dont know if you can do this but it's just a suggestion....theres this good good audio book that may help your friend out called Whereever you Go, There You Are by Jon Kabat Zinn......I've got a download of it ....I can try and put it on here a little on later tonight....

Maybe your friend would like it ?? Your a genuinely good friend.

What is your gut feeling??

Hi @Former-Member,

Good to see you, how are you feeling with your new place?

xxx Anne 

Re: Night Shift

Thanks @PeppiPatty I really appreciate your kind perspective having known me over all this time now. Heart 


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Re: Night Shift

Thanks @PeppiPatty - what is the book about?

Anyone around? I feel terrible...

Watching Offspring...


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Re: Night Shift

I'm here, what's happening @Former-Member?


Re: Night Shift

Hi, I just got home.  Don't watch offspring (unless you want to) - it's terrible TV!


How you going?  I'm waiting for the washing to finish before i eat my chicken and go to bed!

Re: Night Shift

Hi @Former-Member. Sorry you are feeling bad. Hope Offspring is helping a little.

Partner still hasn't come home but has texted that he'll be back later, thank goodness. He's driven right out of the city to another coastal country town. I hope we are going to be okay. Keeping myself as distracted as possible.

Re: Night Shift

Dearest @Mazarita @Former-Member @Former-Member

Just to address Terry, I think she is still getting to know us........

@Mazarita how are you feeling that you heard from your partner? Im sure that he's juat having some person time......

If your feeling anxious, you might be feeling a little sensetive...??

Treasure lady....

aButterfly,,,,,your going good just writing hey??