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Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

@CheerBear Morning to you

You are brave too. The world isn't all sunshine & laughter all the time

I am overtired today, i have to get organised, hoping you have a good day πŸ’

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

i have been reading along but haven’t really commented until now for a couple of reasons. I guess I am lucky in the fact that I have got a hubby who is supportive but in saying this I still feel alone a lot of the time. Think that is my depression talking more than reality.

I just wanted to say that I think you are all extremely brave and strong. Those days that we fell like hiding but cannot, when I just want to shut down from myself and the world, but cannot....

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

@Snowie πŸ’› You are too. We all have to keep going ❀️

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Afternoon any/all ☺

We've just arrived home after being out for the day/night. Decent drive so I'm thankful for devices and headphones which have made our car adventures much more tolerable.

Hoping you've managed to get whatever it was you needed organised @Former-Member and that your day is going along well πŸ’œ

@Snowie - I think you're really brave also ❀ There are always flip sides to things I think. The partner thing would have it too. In lots of ways I find it much easier to do this on my own than when I had a partner, but in other ways I don't. Either way I think we can still have that 'wanting to shut down/run away/not do it' fight, and that's so tough. I found a really great story/letter about this kind of thing. It's probably trigger warning material so I'll post it in a separate post when I have a proper moment to, because I could relate and I'm thinking lots of us may be able to. I have a feeling you've got yours home today and that you're off adventuring. I hope that your day/night is a good one ☺

I've got some houseworky things to do this afternoon after not really doing them for the last couple of days. It feels like a Sunday afternoon here so school uniforms, lunches, washing, last minute homework... that type of stuff. It's reasonably chilled out in our house at the moment which is good ☺

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

@CheerBear you sound like you have it all together. Good thinking with electronics.

I had to organise all my bills etc so did do it all. Our day great has been great. I took my daughter for a swim and went to the park and got a coffee and collapsed under the shady tree lol

I am so so tired today must be from saturday at work. I am needing a mummy pamper so i am organising it with some of the girls need to start bouncing back & investing in myself too again.

I feel like a short lost penguin that needs grooming πŸ˜‚β™₯️

Hope today has been lovely for you guys

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

@CheerBear i admire how organised you are i think sundays will have to be my days where i leave that day for cleaning etc

It gets exhausting trying to do everything at once everyday at times. Big admiration for how dedicated you are as a mother 😍
Good job

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Popping by with a big go you @Former-Member! πŸŽ‰ Getting bills organised (I'm really no good with paperworky anything!), getting out for a swim and park, and thinking about/starting to organise special you time - they're awesome things to have done! Great to hear you've had a great day 😊

I had a giggle at short lost penguin in need of grooming πŸ˜†

Re organising - I feel like I really need to be organised and then ready to ditch all of it when things go belly-up as they do often. I/we've been doing this Sunday afternoon kind of thing in different ways for probably as long as they've been at school now.

Hope you can catch up on some rest to ease that tiredness. When do you find out about your Dr results (If you feel like sharing)?


Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'


Have to do what you have to do...
No one else is going to save you...
No one else is going to get the job done either....

Lol i actually like getting on top of bills and paperwork.. I accomplish something after every..

I used to own a business so paperwork and that does not really stress me it's just time management that does.

Thank you. You sound like you are on track with everything with the kids.

I just cleaned the house did loads of washing and now i can sit down and relax until i have to cook dinner.

I am working a few days this week. I struggle with guilt when i am working being away from my daughter but i think it is normal..

I haven't found out yet. I should call to follow up.

You sound organised i think you are dealing with everything great. Some times when i have a mishap i lose a bit of motivation at times but quickly snap back.


Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'


I actually really do look like a penguin too πŸ˜‚ I am not that tall lol

Re: The Virtual Village - a space for parenting 'stuff'

Hoping your night has gone along well @Former-Member πŸ™‚ Washing and cleaning up too - huge go you's!

I ran out of steam bit tonight. I did what I needed to do but now I have sat down I'm looking at the dishes and thinking I'll leave them until the morning. I want to crawl into bed and sleep but I'll be up before tomorrow and ready to start the day if I do this early.

Your own business also - you are awesome!

I'm somewhat penguinish too haha and definitely in need of some grooming myself! I wanted to wash my hair tonight which really shouldn't be a big deal but it is as it's coloured and it comes out too quickly. If I was it I'll have to recolour it (possibly even bleach it too) which is a yep, nope tonight. There's tomorrow to do that.

Hoping bub and you sleep well ❀