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Chronic pain clinics

Today I have finally gotten through to my GP that I need help beyond his abilities.Dont get me wrong he has been super supportive and he has tried his best.

I have seen pain specialists and surgeons and after all the operations I'm worse than ever. 

So today I have been referred to the Hunter integrated pain clinic in john hunter hosp Newcastle.

I am hoping some of you might be able to tell me if you have attended and what I can expect .

I ask this as I was sent to a pain clinic in Sydney and they took my meds and said I won't need them as they will help me live without them .2 days later I was admitted to hospital 

I don't want to go down that road again.

Any input would be appreciated 


Re: Chronic pain clinics

@Former-Member wrote:

I ask this as I was sent to a pain clinic in Sydney and they took my meds and said I won't need them as they will help me live without them .2 days later I was admitted to hospital 


Oh gosh, that's terrible, @Former-Member !


I can't help with your question, but I hope this new referral helps... 🤞

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Re: Chronic pain clinics

Thank you I hope it does too as I'm at my wits end putting up with this pain.Just hope I don't have to wait to lo g to get in

Re: Chronic pain clinics

Hey there forumites,


Just a little reminder that you are all welcome to share any experiences you've had, but as per the guidelines please don't share any information that may identify you.


I hope you get some answers @Former-Member 🙂


hanami 💮



Re: Chronic pain clinics

Hi @Former-Member 


Sorry to read about your struggles.


Not sure if you've seen these two resources on your journey but they are worth a look...




All the best


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Re: Chronic pain clinics

Thanks @JoeTheLion I will have a look into them