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Re: A long rave

Hi @eth, how are you tonight? 

Re: A long rave

Trigger warning: very violent memories, DV, SA, death

A very long rave about my father.

My close friend and I chatted more than usual today. We often talk about very deep subjects. At least, they are deep on the level of how we are, what has happened in our lives, traumas we've experienced, deaths we've had in our lives, our depression and physical illness, and we also laugh a lot too.

Today I happened to think about my dad, as I often do, and talked once more to her about him. Then I told her how guilty I feel to talk so negatively about him after his death (early 2000s), to reveal all the worst of him. I wish I talked more about the wonderful side of him.

She was understanding and related, I think about her mother, who died about five years ago, and who she still misses and thinks about almost every day, I think.

My father is strongly on my mind again tonight. After he died, I felt he was with me every day, and, in a way, didn't even miss him, because I felt him as a companion in my days, the best of him was there it seemed at any time I wanted to reach out for some kind of psychic support.

On another level I was actually relieved when he died, because I was afraid of him in my life, probably all through all my life. I knew what he was capable of.

This may be moderated, but my mother told me several years ago that he held a gun to her head when she was pregnant with me. She never knew if the gun was loaded or not. He was drunk and laughing.

I am horrified that my mother stayed with him after that. I had one man pin me to a bed about 15 years ago, with his hands around my throat, saying he felt like punching my head in. I moved out of living with him as soon as I could afterwards. Aside from that, all my relationships have been with kind, sensitive, gentle men. And I am also long time friends with a few men, consistent, loyal friends. One of my new friends is a man also. Again, not a violent man, sensitive and creative.

What I revealed here about my dad (I've said it to other people too, but only those closest to me, and my psychiatrist and psychologist), well unfortunately it is indicative of a whole lot of other terrible experiences in relation to him. For example, he at one time talked to me alone about taking out the whole family, including himself. By 'whole family', I mean me and my mum and him. I was about 10 years old when he asked me what I thought about it.

There's more. He drank a lot fairly frequently and got violent with mum. She gave almost as good as she got. I remember thinking one night one of them might end up dead. That was the night she swung a heavy ashtray on a long stand at him. She said vicious things to him on a regular basis, as I have done at some time to almost all the men I've had intimate relationships with. But I can't excuse my father for ultimately taking the physical power over her in the way he did. He did hit me once when I was about four, in a shocking way. But then was sick about what he did, because, when he wasn't crazy with inner torment, he loved me so much.

I loved my father and always have. I never didn't forgave him in one way. He had a miserable life, clear to me even as a child that he was tormented. I now understand that he was suffering an extreme form of mental illness but never got any help or even diagnosis. Like so many men of that generation, perhaps. He grew up in The Great Depression. He had a very hard childhood. All his brothers were half crazed like himself, behaving like beasts to their wives. Alcohol had a major part to play also, but in a way only revealed the violent desperation in them.

I tend to think my father had bipolar, like myself, though I know it's not the best thing to diagnose other people like that. But bipolar is said in the Black Dog Institute literature to be 80% genetically related. Further, it says that it is the most inheritable of the mental illnesses. I feel I inherited my bipolar from my father. He was such a Jekyll and Hyde. My mum is pretty crazy too in some ways, but she has had a much happier life overall, it seems to me, and has functioned much more effectively in the social world. Even though she has endured incredible hardships.

So what was good about my father? When he was high spirited and happy, as he also could be, he was very charismatic in his playfulness, funny humour, physical antics, infectious warmth, affection. He was also very musical and entertained many people with his music, including teaching me music throughout my childhood, both through basic instructions on how to play guitar, and playing to and for me. He once wrote a song for me. I was embarrassed at the time, but it is something I now have in sheet music in the tiny bundle of possessions, mostly letters we wrote to each other, that are just about the only earthly remains he left me.

He was very poor and suffered a great deal because of it. All of us were very poor. In fact I have pretty much lived below the poverty line my whole life. He struggled terribly with workplaces, as I have done throughout my life, to the point of breakdowns, sudden resignations, followed by abysmal depressions. This was part of his mental illness, I think, as it is with me.

He was intelligent, though only went to school until year 7. One of the most moving memories I have of him from when I was a child was when he spent months, maybe years, studying a Little Oxford Dictionary, learning to spell the words, expanding his vocabulary. He used a little exercise book that he would write words in. The dictionary, which I still have, is full of underlinings in red biro. His favourite word was 'paraphernalia'.

I always loved my dad. I almost adored him when I was child, and there is still so much love, compassion and appreciation in me too for him now.

But I ask you, how do you reconcile this kind of relationship with someone, especially so primal a relationship as that with your father?

I have done awful things to him in my life. For seven years I had no contact with him or my mum. I was suicidal when I made that decision. I mourned the both of them all those years. Then the death of a family friend brought us together again. At one time I became convinced that he had sexually abused me, though I now doubt that ever happened. I didn't confront him with it but I went pretty far in making it known elsewhere.

Despite all of this, I'm so glad I had a continued relationship with both of them after that big break. Never one to say 'I love you', in his final years, Dad and I used to say it to each other on the phone almost every time we spoke. When he died, I just made it to his death bed, was living interstate at the time. We had a special moment then, a happy memory to leave me with. I remember the last moment of it especially well. It was a loving and good humoured moment. Then he died later that night after I'd visited the hospital. I howled like an animal in the waiting room. He's the only person I've ever seen after their death, the only human body without the animating spirit.

After his death, there were mystical moments. And I still have him as a loving presence in my life, regardless of it all.

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita You and your father were so kind in looking after the bunny. They are very intelligent animals and make great pets inside the house once litter trained the only thing is they can become very naughty and want alot of attention. I suppose they would would eat a pea .... luckily for this lil pea I am an old, old pea and wouldn't taste nice 🙂 He has taken a little bite at my daughter when he wanted more pats .... see he is cheeky.

Re: A long rave

Good morning, @greenpea. Will you be taking a walk later this morning? Your rabbit does sound very cheeky and lovable.

Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita - have just read your recount of your father. It is so courageous for you to put it down in writing and I can sense the heartfelt emotion in your words. 


My father was a harsh man due to his circumstances but was never physically violent. In his latter years, he mellowed considerably and during the last twelve months of his life he became the father I always wanted. I’m so grateful to have been close to him and to care for him during that time. 


I recently found a letter he had written to me a very long time ago and at the time I had not appreciated or understood his intent. Only now, can I see what he was trying to impart. I so wish that I could talk to him again. 


Take care. Be gentle to yourself. 

Re: A long rave

Hi @soul, thank you for your kind words and for relating your own experience. It's wonderful to read that your father mellowed as he got older, and that your final year with him was so wonderful.

The same has happened with my mother, who was also an angry person when I was a child (she still has a peppery temper but seems to understand now that I can't take it directed at me). Let's face it too, she had powerful reason to be angry back then. In fact, I've been much more angry with her in my adult life than vice versa. The circle of abuse from childhood completes itself. Fortunately I haven't been like that for several years now, since starting anti-psychotic medication.

People are complex, with both good and bad in us. I try to accept this now rather than see things so much as all one way or another.

How wonderful to recently find the letter from your dad and understand it anew. Dad and I had a wonderful letter writing relationship throughout our lives, starting back in childhood when he was away interstate for long periods of time. He had a funny sense of humour, a natural entertainer in some ways. He was also intelligent, despite his lack of education. These qualities were also in his letters to me, which almost always delighted me. I think I miss our letter writing relationship most of all.

Re: A long rave

Hello Everybody,

I think it's beautiful that your Father wrote to you when you were a child & continued doing so throughout his life Mazy @Mazarita Heart That he thought of you each time the pen touched the paper, to me is proof of his love. I can imagine the guilt he felt for harming a love so innocent as his own child. 

I think I now see the damage an abuser causes, it is not just to the one they abuse, that damage goes on for generations. That harm continues, it twists & it changes, beyound the physical into a far more subconcious level. 

I think the dominant species is always doomed & I think it's all part of natural evolution. Evolution, in my mind, is change - constant change; so no matter how successful a species appears, or what rung of the ladder it seems to be on - it will change, everything changes. 

Oops . . . a bit deep for a morning greeting, sorry.


Sunshine & lollipops for everyone Heart

Re: A long rave

Sending love @Mazarita.  Your words about your Dad really touched me.  I too have a whole mix of feelings about my departed Dad.  He too mellowed a lot and understood healthy relationships and aspired to them in his last 10 years or so of life.  There was violence from Dad and, slightly less so, Mum.  The most recent being back handing me so hard I fell over when 5 months pregnant, aged 25.  He was still doing things like that to Mum after 28 years of marriage.  She says she stayed because he threatened to have her 'comited' and stop her from seeing us kids.  But she stayed beyond our childhoods.  These days she idolises her memories of him and seems to have written a total myth about what it was like with him.  He too was charismatic when in public.

He came to me when I was about 29 and told me he knew he'd made many mistakes and done wrong by us and said he was sorry.  I quote '..... the further sin of continuing to make such mistakes after he realised what he'd done' .........  Anyway that's enough of my story for now.  Just to say - I hear you, and I hope writing about him here helps you reconcile the relationship somewhat.

Sending lots of love Heart

Re: A long rave

Thanks, @eth. Sadly we are far from alone in these kinds of experiences. It's wonderful that your father reformed himself for the last 10 years of his life. My dad also said he was sorry on that same day he died. My response was strange, in that I told him he had nothing to be sorry for. I think that was because it was obvious he would soon die, was in so much pain, and had lived a life of great misery overall. At that moment, about to die, I guess I felt I didn't want him to go to the grave with those feelings of remorse. Like I said, I loved him enormously. Thanks for your love. Same coming back to you from me. Heart

Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita and good morning.  How are you feeling today?