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Casual Contributor

Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

Hello. This is a big step for me. I have aspergers, schizophrenia and ptsd. I have nailed the aspergers and am working through the ptsd. I was wondering if i could connect with some like minded folk to discuss and come to terms with my schizophrenia. I have soo many questions and things to process. Is this a safe place to talk about and learn of schizophrenia? I am in the dark about much of it and after a 10 year battle have only just come to terms with taking my medication.

Hoping you can help.



Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

@Aiita  Hi Aiita this forum is a very safe place to talk about anything as long as it fits the guidelines. The guidelines are there to keep everyone safe. I have schizoaffective disorder which is schizophrenia + a mood disorder. I am more than happy to discuss about my experiences as I am sure many formites with this mental illness will be. If you want to talk to someone put a @infront of their name like I did for you and they will be notified of your post. Looking forward to talking with you more. greenpeax

Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

@Aiita  Welcome to the forums.


Well done on taking your first step, and posting here. I remember how daunting and scary my first post was.


It’s hard coming to term with MI, and the meds. Many of us here understand those struggles, and will walk with you when we can.


It’s good to have you here.

Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

Thank you for the warm welcome. It helps.




Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

Hi @Aiita, welcome to the forums. This is a very safe place to talk about schitzophenia. I can recommend a book called living with schitzophenia by Neel Burton . I have schitzophenia too and have found it very helpful. 

Take care🌻xx

Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

Welcome to the forums @Aiita 


take a look around... make yourself at home.. jump in and comment/support a post or two

There are planty of helpful and friendly people here who are willing to guide you o your journey

Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

@Aiita  You might like to look at a few other threads. Only if you are interested, never any pressure.

Good Morning 

Good Afternoon - Afternoon Tea 

The safe room- somewhere to just come and sit.... offload... feel supported 

Daily goals, motivation and check in 

Re: Good day kind folk. My name is Aiita

Hi @Aiita Smiley Happy


Welcome, and congrats for taking that first step and posting on the forum. Reaching out can be so nerve wracking.


I'm new here too, and I live with schizophrenia. I'm also a Peer Support Worker at SANE. I'm looking forward to chatting with you about our experiences together in the hope that it helps you


Again, welcome! Smiley Very Happy