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Hello, I have just been diagnosed with PTSD. Having lived a life not knowing what was wrong with me. Problems with relationships and big blow ups at work, so many jobs lost, family loss. At 60 it's hard to pick-up the fall out from the last episode. 2 months no work I'm getting concerned.




Does it help a little to know why things have been so hard for you?

When I found out about what I have I felt some relief that it was not my fault and felt that things made more sense.

It enhanced my compassion and understanding for others who have their own struggles as well. 

just know that you are not alone. The struggle is real and totally valid.

Casual Contributor


Little_Leopard, I have found that knowing that it was not my fault was good. It doesn't change what happened at work as work views at my fault and I got a last written warning. Unsure if or when I'm going to return to work. 

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heya @Little_Leopard I think the above message is for you.


@David29, a little forum tip. If you type "@" before someones name, it will tag them 😊  

Casual Contributor


Ok thanks 😊 

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@David29, I've been pondering about how to respond to your story. And I just want to say thank you for sharing it with us. 


I can't take away these feelings away, but I can sit with you in them.


I imagine that it's been earth-shattering to get a diagnosis like this. I got a new diagnosis at 29. It completely changed how I thought of myself and my life. It's given me the ability to find the right tools to manage my mental health and to deal with other. I have the same hope for you ❤️ 


I also imagine at 60, you might be feeling a bit scared about not working again. Do you have anyone you can talk to about what you're feeling? Of course, we're here to listen too


Is there any way you would feel safe to disclose your diagnosis to the boss or HR manager in confidence so you can explain the situation.

maybe take a month sick leave to get your ducks in a row and start some seeing a psychologist to help you work through the trauma. Will also show the work place that you are taking action and that you are doing what is necessary to try to keep your job.


it might not work but might be worth a try. Maybe now is a good time to start thinking about what the next phase in your life looks like. New job? New Hobby?


Casual Contributor


Yes have someone to talk to, just got to be honest about what I'm feeling. Thanx


I am 56 and was told that I have autism which I do not really believe I have.


I cannot get it formally diagnosed as I am "to old" according to psychiatrists yet my psychologist assures me I actual have autism because he grew up with two brothers who have it.


The funny thing is that while not believing I have the condition I felt over the moon in regards to somebody who knows more than I do actually identifying a text book condition.


I have seen other people who have been diagnosed have the same reaction and it is a bit like winning the lottery after years of confusion. 


I have no idea about what caused your PTSD but you need to step back and breath before moving on to the next challenge.


Easy said as I know from experience.


Casual Contributor

