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something feels weird

I haven't been on for a while and have been doing quite well. I still see my GP twice a week and speak to my psychologist every 2 to 3 weeks and I think I have gained some skills to deal with my depression and anxiety, still a work in progress and I have down times when even walking outside can be hard work. The last few days I have been feeling odd, weird, something isn't right with me both mentally and physically, its like I'm not thinking straight, I feel shaky inside my chest and stomach like butterflies, I tried talking to my GP about it but nothing could describe it so I gave up. 
Any thoughts I what I could be experiencing or how to deal or describe it to my GP.
Help please


Re: something feels weird

You have such an interesting case. Defining weird is always a weird process. You know what, though, I've got a, not a theory but, a potential tree to bark up upon. I saw this TED talk (linked below if you're interested) talking about the two leading theories of emotion.


One is cognitive expectation stuff. The mind constantly setting up for appointment/disappointment as part of it's day to day function. (And then rewarding/punishing itself for the results.)


The other is bio-emotional feedback stuff. Like what you're describing. The shakies and the butterflies. The body neurology trying to be recognized.


I think both theories are connected. I also think you could bring this to your psychologist and get some old-school analysis accomplished out of exploring these sensations.




Re: something feels weird

You know your body best @EM26 . I’d describe it exactly how you’ve described it here. It may start with a blood test.


There can be so many things that can be going on. I think you did a great job of explaining it to us here.


all the best