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Re: scared of food

Just eat small serves of regular food @Eden1919 .....

If I start telling you what my hubby has done to his body by starving himself, I'm telling you, you don't want that ....

You can be smil without your hair falling out, your teeth breaking, your skin aging beyond your years, and other signs that the body doesn't have enough nutrition to repair itself .....

Set yourself a limit of 30-60mins moderate exercise 6 days a week, and eat slightly smaller heathy meals ...., your weight will find its natural place without stressing about it ....,

Stress causes insulin release too you know .... and that can also lead to insulin resistance and weight gain ..... that is what happened to me. It wasn't the wrong sort of food or lack of exercise ..... I didn't know that high stress levels can cause metabolic syndrome too.

Still think you need to speak to the psych and go to a dietician for an eating plan that will give you the body you want in a healthy way.


Re: scared of food

i know that stress is a problem for me so maybe that is why i am loosing weight so slowly also i am eating really little meals but i did eat too much i was just going to burn the equvilant amount with exercise and try not to do more i will try and talk to my psych about it next time i see him but i also really do think this will work i just have to only eat vegetables it will be fine then i am still getting nutrition it will be fine. 

Re: scared of food

Sorry to hear your hurting..

Do you like watching YouTube clips?

Have you watched porcha de Rossi's YouTube clips at all? She shares about her eating disorder recovery 💕💕🕯🕯

Re: scared of food

Thanks for that @Sarzy .... I will look for them too ....

Re: scared of food

sending you hugs @Eden1919 HeartHeart

Re: scared of food

@Eden1919 ..... vegetable dinner is fine .....

Do you know what BMR is ? That is you Basal Metabolic Rate ..... that is the basic rate the body needs to work at in order to stay alive. You have to be taking in enough energy every day to support your basic heartbeat, blood circulation, keeping your body warm enough, repairing damaged tissue and supporting organ function. If you work off every bit of food you eat, you won't be supporting your life functions .....

You need to take in enough food for your BMR before you start working out how much exercise to do to burn off the rest of the food you have eaten .....

You won't be able to study if you are not leaving enough energy in your system either ....

I really, really think you need to see a dietician to get this sorted out.

Re: scared of food

i dont know who to talk to to find a dietitcian plus i dont know if i would have the money i am still eating though it is just so that i can loose weight 

Re: scared of food

Can you talk to your GP @Eden1919 ?

I think you need some guidance about how to do that safely.

Re: scared of food

maybe i dont know i am not very comfortable with my gp he is not a bad gp but i havent been seeing him long and this is a very touchy issue for me 

Re: scared of food

Then I would suggest speaking to your psych and see what they recommend @Eden1919