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Didn't get to see the doctor today- the app. Was at 1:15- she called me at 1:45- I had an app. W Principal at 2:00- so I had to leave straight away. 

Its cool I understand how these things go - (doctors running late)-I'm completely ok with it- just REALLY needed to see her today. 

Got into psyc tomorrow tho yay cos someone cancelled - but hey geuss what it looks like it's going to rain- my car that I only just bought windscreen 

rubber bits are coming off- the mechanic says- oh it's a 2 min job bring it round- get there actually he needs to order the whole windscreen wipers in on this sort of car -wtf! 

I called the guy I bought it off he said "it's not on warranty but will do it anyway"- oh how kind of him- have a feeling he knew about this all along - got the worst bad vibes off him & instinct in my gut NOT to buy this car - but felt pressured into it& was anxious , confused & distracted by my child so ignored that feeling - silly me -

its going to RAIN TOMORROW so how am I supposed to get my child to school & get to psych appt.. With a car I can't drive in the rain?? I NEED to go to this appointment - but I am literally having so much anxiety I feel like I am having a break down. AGAIN!!Why of all days? Is God testing me to see how much I can take before I really loose my mind. ?

so if I drive over an hour away to get the wipers fixed from the dodge guy who said he would- is he going to turn around & say the same thing the other guy did?? Oh sorry I actually have to order them in they cost $100-

Should I clarify that with him before I drive an hour away- ? What do I say? J can't even think straight !!!!

I don't feel like I SHOULD be driving an hour away because of the state of mind I am in right now!- 

Why is everything so hard- I am completely alone with no one to ask for help because my anxiety & agoraphobia has prevented me from making connections with people. 

I just can't take much more of this shit -& to top it off the mental Heath nurse who is supposed to be supportive & help through issue like this - just DID NOT want to know about the car situation or offer any help or advice at all- she just kept changing the subject & saying she has no advice for me regarding the car!.- fuck her! Can we even aware on here? I'm so pissed off& I feel so stuck & alone- I wish I had one person I could rely on for help - I'm so over feeling incapable & useless. 


Re: Typical🙄

*can we sware on here? Meant to say*
The mental health nurse ALSO said they are discharging me from their services next week - so she doesn't give a flying duck about my car situation or me obvs.
Senior Contributor

Re: Typical🙄

Theres a few options re wipers @Serenity1 and it grates at me re windscreens and not clear. Can get just rubber bit , rubber bit and backing or whole arm. Can go from 10-30- to whatever $

Re: Typical🙄

‘Swear’ ? Yeah can get pinged @Serenity1

Re: Typical🙄

@Serenity1  good luck with your appointment today. and that is frustrating about the wipers did you get any warranty papers from the guy who sold it to you? if you did you may be able to claim the new wipers under that. hope you have a better day today. 

Re: Typical🙄


That's such a drag. Just wanted to say that I do give a duck.

excited duck GIF

Re: Typical🙄

😂 Lol, aw that is sooooo cute 😍 Thankyou so much! @frog

Re: Typical🙄

@Eden -thankyou-- the guy said it wasn't covered under warranty -so I just went to the car shop . Which was a huge deal as I was suffering anxiety & agoraphobia soooooo bad- but! I made it to my appointment & she was very supportive- but goes on 3 weeks holiday after next week :face_with_rolling_eyes:😭

Re: Typical🙄

Aw thankyou @TAB yeh I didn't realise it would have to need the whole arm replaced - just thought it would be the rubber , so annoying- feel like I made a wrong decision buying this car 😁 Lots of guilt.

Re: Typical🙄

@TAB what does that mean? -- I was so tired couldn't remember how to spell swear!😁