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Casual Contributor


I’ve been to a few therapists and always leave feeling unsatisfied. I have issues dealing with loss and coping with insecurities. Each time I go to a therapist I feel like I’m sitting there talking to myself for 45 minutes. Maybe I don’t understand what type of professional I should be seeking. I’d like someone who’d work through problems with me. A therapist that would guide me in productive decision making, help identify character defects, and help me progress forward. What type of a therapist should I be looking for? 

Senior Contributor

Re: Therapist

Hi @Hollow98

thsts a hard question. But I would ask questions when you see a therapist. Sort of like you’re interviewing them. And by their answers you can see if they are appropriate. 

I went through 3 different psychologist until I was referred to the one I’m seeing. She is fantastic. 

Good luck. I hope whst I wrote makes sense 


Re: Therapist

I agree totally with @BlueBay, @Hollow98. It's important to interview the therapists.  In a sense,  they work for you.  You might well try someone experienced in grief counselling, who can work through those things with you. 

Don't stop looking for the right psychologist for you.  He/She is out there.