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Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

@Zoe7 I think introverts by nature prefer talking about things that matter. Having conversations can be exhausting enough, if you are going to have one you might as well have a meaningful one. But I think it’s true that sometimes people over complicate matters that can be easily resolved. Analysis is all good, as long as you don’t get overly stuck in it and you move to tackle it.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

I agree @creative_writer Often the simplest things become over complicated by those that just want to hear their own voices and have very little of substance to actually say. For me, going over and over things we cannot change or are in the past have little bearing on the here and now and the way forward. Sometimes people just need to have their say - which I get because it is important for everyone to be able to debrief - but when it is a continued voicing of the same things it becomes frustrating, especially when there are no solutions put forward in the process. This of course is not the same with therapy or being supported to work through things as this takes as much time as it does, but in a work context this absolutely frustrates me.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

@Zoe7 I can see how that can be frustrating, meetings are all about going somewhere. Debriefing and therapy aims tend to be different. Though I’ve had therapy sessions where I went absolutely nowhere. Finding a good therapist is hard.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

I have had a couple of great psychologists at different times @creative_writer They were wonderful for what I needed at the time. It is so hard though for some to get that right person. The system is really broken and there just are not enough therapists for the needs - and often not the right ones for what people need either.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

@Zoe7 I’m glade you’ve been able to find good psychologists. I’ve found the mental health system to have ups and downs. There are definitely lots of amazing mental health professionals and not so good ones, but that goes for every profession. Psychs have definitely been even more busy since covid. I have to get appointments with my psych in advanced.

I think one is on the right track if they are progressing and have a good professional relationship with their psych.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

There has been a shortage of psychs and pdocs for a long time @creative_writer  - especially the good ones. I have been extremely lucky to find the right ones - actually my GP was the one that did that for me. She knew how unwell I was and how much of a struggle it was to make those calls myself so she stepped in on my behalf and did that grateful for my GP.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

@Zoe7 it’s always been hard, but lately I feel like it’s been harder. Maybe the good psychs get so booked out you need to make appointments for months in advanced. It can be frustrating, but I suppose the demand is very high right now post covid. I think I’m going to end up changing GPs, only because my old GP doesn’t seem as willing to listen to what I need to say. Literally I felt like I was on a dead end with migraines. I saw another GP this weekend, I think I’ll try out taking some migraine supplements first. If that helps I probably won’t need to get a referral to another neurologist.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

Hey @creative_writer I don't think it is just COVID - trying to get in to see a psych has been a problem for a long time. There just aren't the numbers for what is needed and to find a good one is even harder especially when we have to wait so long for anyone to be available. I got very lucky with my previous psych - and the phone calls from my GP certainly helped. I literally left everything in her hands as I was too unwell to do it myself. Not everyone has that kind of care though unfortunately 😔


I think seeking a second (even third) opinion if needed is wise. Sometimes the person we are seeing just runs out of answers but that does not mean someone else with fresh eyes will do the same. Some GPs have limited knowledge in some areas but someone else may have more ideas and be better able to help. I hope you can find someone like that and get some help with your migraines Hon.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

@Zoe7 that is so true. Sometimes multiple opinions are needed. Sometimes you need to see multiple people before finding someone you feel comfortable with. Right now, I’m just feeling lonely. Living with a mask and feeling misunderstood is very lonely. I spend so much time alone so I don’t feel alienated from people when I’m around them. The loneliness when surrounded by people is way worse than the loneliness of when you’re alone. It’s so weird. I don’t even know how to categorise it.

Re: TW: it feels like I'm drowning

I do not see that as weird at all @creative_writer We can often feel the most alone surrounded by people. Part of that for me in the past is being uncomfortable around people, being always on edge, fearing triggers and generally just feeling anxious in a crowd. I do not like crowds or being in close contact with many people - it is a bit like claustrophobia but with people.