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Sudden spiral

New here not sure how this works.

I have had a sudden spiral into depression, paranoia, agoraphobia, have seen a GP. But I guess what I am looking for in this forum is mybe some ways to distract myself. Or someone who has had the same experience.


Re: Sudden spiral


Hi @Spinning Smiley Happy

Welcome to our forum family.

I am sorry to hear you are struggling atm- is there anything that would help make you feel better?

Have you thought about what type of help and support you need?

I recently been in hospital for a while and I was discharged last month. So I do understand and relate to what you are experiencing. I found being in hospital being a positive experience for me, I hope you can find what works for you. However it is often trail and error to see what works or the use of combination of strategies, professional support, relationships, self care and activities to help keep you well.

Not applicable

Re: Sudden spiral

Hello @Spinning

A very warm welcome to the forums, it's nice to meet you 🙂 you are more than welcome to also introduce yourself on this thread if you would like: 'Introduce yourself here'

Some others members have started threads with some distraction techniques, @Phoenix_Rising started a great thread here called 'I need a distraction'.

There is also a more social thread here started by @Former-Member which members find helpful for distraction 🙂


Not applicable

Re: Sudden spiral

hello @Spinning

Just read your post and am wondering how you are feeling at the moment.

Have you managed to find some relief?

You mentioned seeing a gp which is good but did that person refer you to a psychologist or psychiatrist who can help you manage your symptoms?

I have had major depression for a long time and know how crippling it can  get. I have also isolated myself for long stretches of time. I dont have agoraphobia but can find it extremely difficult at times to get out of the house into the garden.

I  had a window of eight years without symptoms of depression. Looking back at how confident and relaxed I was back then, inspires me to keep on trying now.

Life circumstances, out of my control, several traumas set me back.

I am getting there now though and have faith in my psychiatrist.

I also have started believing in myself again which is a major factor in improving one's health.

Are you a reader? There are some very good books out there not just feed good stuff, real experience stuff. I am currently reading "Living in the now" by Eckhart Tolle. I am working hard at living by this principle. I have slip ups but feel that I am moving forward.

Hope was a huge word brought up in a discussion on here the other night about schizophrenia.

Hope is very understated and once rediscovered can be utilised in so many areas of our lives and our own being.

You can use this space to rant and rave, vent, say whatever within the forum guidelines of course.

We are all different, we all need help at different times, we are all in different stages of recovery.

You will find support here. keep writing

take care

living in the now


Re: Sudden spiral

@Spinning. I can relate to part of your story. This year I started slipping back into my depression. When the suicidal thoughts came, I booked into a hospital. I've been home for 5 days. Syill ups and downs.
Some things I find helpful:
* - avoid self medicating (drink, drugs, shopping, gambling, etc)
* - breathing exercises
* - meditation or mindfulness (great free aps on line)
* - talk to someone. Call a friend, have a chat. get on line hhere
* - watch some comedy shows. A good belly laugh is so good for out health.
* - get some fresh air and sun (even just in your own backyard or balcony).
* - nature (if you can't get out to a park, beach or forest, listen to a free ap of the sounds of the beach, or sounds of birds and the bush).
There are many different ways to try to refocus your mind to calmer areas.
Puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, art, craft, music.
Smiling mind is a very easy ap to use.
I hope this helps a little

Re: Sudden spiral

good afternoon @Spinning and welcome to the forum

how are you going today ??

what things do you enjoy doing ??, have you got any pets , and what hobbies do you like xx