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Re: Self diagnosis...

@Former-Member  yes it is hard in the case of conditions where there is no testing which i guess includes psych diagnoses. but i suppose you didnt self diagnose with those things because you DID see someone about it to confirm which is how it works most of the time you think you have an infection and you go to a doctor to confirm or for them to tell you it is something else. so really you did seek medical advise regarding your concerns if that makes sense...? i guess i am refering to people who have not spoken to anyone about it but say they have x with having done very limited investigation, of course that doesnt include people who seek a second opinion as that is perfectly reasonable as well. 


on the point about terminology i have noticed that words when put into a psych context mean very different things to their general uses i found this particularly the times i have read sections of the dsm and i had to confirm the meaning of certain words in that context as they meant different things. so on that point i would say at the least you would have to be sure you understood the excat meanings of things before self diagnosing.