Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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27 Apr 2021 09:03 PM
27 Apr 2021 09:03 PM
Hi everyone.
Woah, the past few weeks have been way too busy & full-on...
Did not drive to Psychologist Appointment (this morning) - I would have had to Wear a Mask (Compulsory at the moment), for the entire Appointment.
The Mask makes me feel Sick (almost straight away).
It makes my Face Flush &over-heat, it’s itchy – Can make me start Sneezing uncontrollably.
Mask would have been a continuous discomfort & distraction, during Appointment - Mask would make communication & giving due attention difficult.
So I did a Zoom Online Appointment/ Session with Psychologist, instead (not in person).
I've just sent off my NDIS Application (Supporting Evidence) via Email, late this afternoon.
It has taken 4 Long (Double-Length) + 2 Ordinary length GP/ Dr's Appointments (6 Dr's Appointments) - To finally get those Forms Filled out.
Still waiting on Psychologist - for her to fill out her NDIS Form for me, have to send that in later.
Still waiting for Centrelink Phone Assessment (Booked 3 Weeks ago) by Cold-Call from an Unknown Doctor (they said) - For possible Access to Disability Employment Service (Job-Search Assistance).
No Assessment time or date was given.
27 Apr 2021 09:09 PM
27 Apr 2021 09:09 PM
MRI Neck Scan (last week) Report shows (says) -
4 Compressed Discs in my Neck (Spine), pushing on the Nerves in spine.
Report says this may be what caused my Fingers on left Hand to Go Numb (loss of feeling sensation) for over 4 months - & Tingling sensation & Loss of strength & coordination in my Left Arm (for over 4 months).
The MRI Neck Scan Report did not say what to do about it - or What possible Treatment there is for this.
05 Dec 2021 07:51 PM
05 Dec 2021 07:51 PM
Hi everyone.
I've not written here for quite a while.
I had a shock a few days ago.
I was recalled for a Dr’s Appnt very quickly (in less than 2 days) for Blood Test Results.
The Blood Tests were to determine cause of sudden dramatic weight loss - When I was already at my minimum weight (before) loss.
Which has coincided with my 4 weeks in this new Job - 10 to 16 hour long work shifts.
The Blood Test showed very Low Iron levels - Approaching Anaemic.
The Bowel Screening Test showed Blood loss.
Dr has Referred me for a Colonoscopy – Which may have a 6 month wait (or more) for Public Hospital - When Dr said this is urgent.
Colonoscopy is to find out why I have internal blood loss.
I have had a Colonoscopy done many years ago - With no associated underlying conditions.
This time is very different.
I am very familiar with the wait times for these procedures.
I have felt so weak & wobbly after working these 10 hour (5.00am Start) Work Shifts - That it is taking me 2 or 3 days after (with no work) to partly recover.
Now I know one possible cause, or reason why.
If the Iron Tablets do not work - Then Dr will have to give me a Transfusion (he said).
I've had that at least once before too - Yet this time is quite different.
I have been so physically weak, these past few days - That I can barely stand up.
I did not have any energy today (Sunday) to go out & get my shopping.
I've had to spend most of today, just trying to get my energy levels back up to Half functional....
05 Dec 2021 09:59 PM
05 Dec 2021 09:59 PM
Thanks @Shaz51 I appreciate your Reading my Post & your Supports.
I've felt rather lost on the Forums, since a certain member left (De-Registered).
A "Kindred-Soul", one might say....
06 Dec 2021 07:54 AM
06 Dec 2021 07:54 AM
15 Mar 2022 12:17 PM
15 Mar 2022 12:17 PM
how are you going my friend xx
how did your appointment go with the specialist
I remember when I had to go to the cancer clinic to see the Blood specialist and now the kidney specialist wants me to see the blood specialist again xxx
15 Mar 2022 01:59 PM
15 Mar 2022 01:59 PM
Hi @Shaz51 I've not been to Cancer Clinic Yet.
Appointment isn't until July (Referral from Colonoscopy/ Gastroscopy).
I will have to go to GP & other Dr's appnts, before I get to that one.
Oh, you are having to go to so many Specialist's appnts - That sounds exhausting.
09 May 2022 02:42 PM
09 May 2022 02:42 PM
09 May 2022 06:32 PM
09 May 2022 06:32 PM
Hi @Shaz51 How are you?
Thanks so much for your care & concern.
Sitting with me is great.
Physically exhausted most of every day, at moment.
Even on the days when I'm not working.
There has been not follow-up, no treatment or resolution yet - For the multiple intestinal Ulcers (internal blood loss) diagnosed during my Colonoscopy & Gastroscopies in January this year.
I have not yet managed to put any of that weight back on - To get back into my healthy weight range.
Even after more than 6 months.
09 May 2022 06:44 PM
09 May 2022 06:44 PM
Ohh sending you lots of tender hugs my friend @Adge
Do you have food restrictions??
How are all our darling birds xx
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.