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Really embarrassing issues

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Really embarrassing issues

so a while ago i made a post about some very embarrassing issues i am having and it is still a big problem actually it is getting worse i am really struggling to keep this under control for those who dont know it is an issue with hypersexuality anyway i am really not sure what to do because this is causing me problems and i am way too embarrassed to tell anyone i thought maybe it would go away but it isnt and i just cant bring myself to tell any of my psychs they are men even my gp is a man ugh i cant deal with this i am just scared i am going to get into trouble 

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Re: Really embarrassing issues

In hospital I was speaking to a lovely lady who was feeling the same way. So you’re def not the only person that feels that way sometimes.
Does ‘self service’ help somwhat?
I wouldn’t worry too much about telling your docs- they’ve really truely heard it all, the different things our body and mind does to us. And what you’re going through is totally not uncommon. Perhaps when this bout runs it’s course you’ll level back down to ‘normal’?

Re: Really embarrassing issues

@Former-Member it doesnt help at all. and i thought it would just go away but it has been nearly 3 months and it is only getting worse it is literally driving me insane and i dont even know what to do honestly i cant stand it and i know they have heard it all and it is not so much the issue itself it is more how it relates to me and what they will think of me personally if i told them idk i am just not managing and this is getting really hard to deal with. 

Re: Really embarrassing issues

@Eden1919 Hi Eden1919 I remember your first post about this and thinking although I believe we have a similar diagnosis I have never gone through this to any great extent anyway. I agree with @Former-Member pdocs has seen and heard it all before and will not judge you on this believe me the things my pdocs know about me would curl your hair  .... they just want you to be safe so I think it would be a very good idea to tell him. BTW there is medication to curb those sensations which are a huge relief.


Don't worry it is perfectly normal with this diagnosis, you are not alone. greenpeaxxx

Re: Really embarrassing issues

Hi @Eden1919  brave you for sharing about this subject here.  I have bipolar 1 and over the years I've had several periods of hypersexuality.  It's actually not uncommon for people with bipolar, but I read that it's the least talked about symptom of being hypomanic or manic.  Let's smash the stigma!  

I am very lucky not to have met with serious consequences of my risky behaviour.  Seriously some of the incidents were quite outrageous with 20:20 hindsight.  I thought I was some kind of healing goddess during those episodes.   And I know I don't remember a lot more incidents than what I do.  Every now and then I remember a new one.
I know I'm not the only person on the forums who's been there too, but I won't tag anyone coz it's their business whether or not they disclose about it.

Just know you are definitely not alone.

I do recommend telling a Dr - perhaps you can find a new female one if you'd be more comfortable with that.  I have all female drs and therapists.  The Drs job is to help, not judge, and given that it's a well-known aspect of some diagnoses of MH conditions they should know how to help.

As @greenpea says, there are definitely meds that can help balance you out - particularly if you have a psychiatrist to prescribe them, but a good GP should be able to help too.

Sending warm regards, Eth

Re: Really embarrassing issues

@greenpea @eth Thanks for the replies. I am not sure about meds because I had such bad side effects when I was on them before and I have tried over 20 different ones and they were all really bad and made me feel worse..... it is good to know I am not alone in it but it is really hard to deal with like I have had it a little before but nothing like this time. Anyway I can’t really find a new doctor at the moment and I like my current ones mostly it is just hard cause they are all men and there is no one I feel like I could actually talk to about this without crying because I am so embarrassed. 

Re: Really embarrassing issues

It's ok to cry @Eden1919.  We are here to support you whatever you decide about talking to a Dr about this.

Re: Really embarrassing issues

@eth thanks. 


i just honestly dont know what to do like i am never normally like this normally i dont even think about it but now it is all i think about and i have been fighting the urge to go find a random hookup again something i would NEVER do normally. but i just cant tell anyone like i want to but i cant do it. 

Re: Really embarrassing issues

@Eden1919  what can you do to delay acting on the urge?  Do you have a hobby?  Do you like to cook?  I find these days that if I can delay spontaneously acting on my urges, then there's a space for realizing what's going on and distracting myself with something - e.g. watching a movie, reading a book.  Safe and home-based activities so I don't go out and act risky.

Re: Really embarrassing issues

Unfortunately it is a difficult part of our illness that not too many people even Doctors are aware of.  It can drive you nuts if left too long without remedy. Here's some words  that will give you something to think about.   "People who have a highly active sex life tend to look younger than their actual age." So get on line and buy yourself a vibrator, and stop beating yourself up.  You have many understanding fellow sufferers out there who can identify with your misery and give you their heart felt support. Good luck ..jay2

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