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Something’s not right


Re: Panicking!!!

I'd say it's good you're talking to your pharmacist. You're right, in that they are experts in their side of things. It's also very good you're making that GP appointment to look at your larger care plan. Thanks for taking care of yourself while under pressure. Sending love your way.

Re: Panicking!!!

Hey @Christheart  so sorry that things are so Terrible difficult for you at the moment. Your very right, there is a great need for more mental health professionals, but they unfortunately can’t be just plucked out of thin air. 

Have you tried getting an appointment through the PHN? (If it’s available in your area). I really struggled to find someone… and someone who was affordable cause private ones had long wait lists and were so expensive. I got an appointment through the PHN within a month. 

Re: Panicking!!!

Hey @Christheart  I hope your GP visit was helpful as I know they can sometimes get you fast tracked to your pdoc and can also advise you about medication.


Thinking of you 💙🙏💙

Re: Panicking!!!

@Eve7 @Bow @wellwellwellnez 


The doctor actually listened to me for once, she got me a referral for an online psychiatrist who should be able to see me in a few weeks (while I'm waiting for the January psych app), she organised a local therapist for me and I think she contacted triage for me. Apparently each of these people will be giving me a call in the following week. 


I'm not cured....but...that GP appointment yielded more results than I've ever received before. 


Struggling with SO much SI tonight, to the point where I just let my mind run with it. Now I have to come back from that fantasy, try to dig my heals in again and persevere through this 'doing life with depression'. 


One thing I know is I'm so grateful for my forum family. And for @tyme for helping me get back into my account. 


You guys really do keep me 'sane' 😏 (badjoke)

Re: Panicking!!!

Hugs @Christheart .


Getting you back on tonight was so necessary on my part. So glad you got through!!!!


I admire your resilience and strength of spirit.


There can only be victory if there's a battle. No battle - no victory.



Re: Panicking!!!


I do have a strong spirit. Thank u for reminding me ❤ 

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