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Something’s not right

Re: My special place

yes @Shaz51 


How are you?

Re: My special place

feeling a bit better then yesterday @Snowie , my diabetes levels have been high for a few day especially at night 


hugs my friend ❤️

Re: My special place

Glad you feel a bit better @Shaz51 

Can the do anything about the high levels?

Re: My special place

Can you do anything about the high levels?  just drink more water and rest @Snowie but i have written it all down to tell the doctor so he might increase the insulin 

Re: My special place

You can only drink a certain amount each day @Shaz51 It is hard to get lots down.

Hopefully they increase your insulin too.

Hopefully that might make you feel better too


Re: My special place

I’m going north for a few days @Snowie leaving Wednesday. I’ll tell you where when I return.

Re: My special place

@Snowie  Wishing for today to be a little lighter for you 💕💕💕🤗🤗🤗💕🤗💕💕

Re: My special place

Went and brought an iron this morning, my old one decided to d*e.

Did research so walked in, showed the guy a picture of it, brought it and out the door. Took less than 5 mins. That's the type of shopping I like!!


Hopefully hear something today but not holding my breath.

Re: My special place

Just spoke with my pdoc. He has tried to speed the process up but didn't get far. Only so many times you can email the case manager and get no reply. He upped my prn. Told him what I've been doing. Suggested er if things got worse.

So the waiting games continue. The 'hanging on' continues.

Re: My special place

awhh @Snowie that must be frustrating having to wait on your case manager's reply!! fingers crossed you get a response soon. 

despite these setbacks, you're doing such a great job of reaching out and holding on, sitting with you as you wait 💗


what do you have planned for tonight? had dinner yet?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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