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Re: Morning has broken

I have pdoc Thursday morning and knee surgeon Thursday afternoon @Snowie but not much else this week.


Ill do a training session with a few kids going to Perth for a national comp but that all depends on this cyclone that’s supposed to come in later this week.

Re: Morning has broken

Looks like your Thursday will be a full day @Eve7 Hopefully your surgeon can give you the go ahead to start doing some more activity and that everything is healing well.


Are you in the path of the cyclone?

Re: Morning has broken

Weather forecast says it will hit SE Qld about Thursday @Snowie  so just have to wait and see. The surf is wild at the moment.

Re: Morning has broken

I hope it stays at sea and doesn't hit land @Eve7 I know they were talking about moving the AFL game on Thurs to somewhere else. I don't think they've made a decision yet.

I could imagine the surf being wild. Wouldn't want to go swimming at the moment.

Re: Morning has broken

The beaches are closed @Snowie and gd2’s swimming carnival has been postponed.


Ive read 100 pages of my book and its interesting so far. I think it will be a quick read this week.


What are you cooking tonight?

Re: Morning has broken

Hope the swimming carnival can go ahead at some stage @Eve7 

I guess they have to take precautions with everything.


You must be a fast reader hon!


I made mango chicken curry in the slow cooker. First time using this recipe. The kids and H seemed to like it and said I can make it again, so that's a win. 

Some turn out great, some get thrown away!!

I love my slow cooker. Throw everything in it in the morning and don't have to think about it until dinner time.


Whats for tea at your house?

Re: Morning has broken

I’m just having a risotto tonight @Snowie .


The premier has just given an update and advised us to get 3 days worth of food so I might go and stock up on baked beans and spaghetti!! Might even buy a new torch in case I run out of candles! 

Im no longer living waterfront so I should be safe when the cyclone arrives Thursday / Friday. The premier mentioned the AFL being advised in time to make a decision about Thursday’s game.


Wait and see…..

Re: Morning has broken

Sorry hon, just doing the dishes.


Stocking up sounds like a good plan @Eve7 Easy meals would be just that, easy to make.

Hopefully your power doesn't get cut off, but thats probably about the first thing that goes.




Re: Morning has broken

Im not too worried but I did get gs1 to clean the gutters @Snowie 


I’d better get my dishes done then I’ll read a bit more.

Re: Morning has broken

Sounds like a good idea @Eve7 

with reading and gutters!!


Hoping you are safe 💕