Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
23-02-2025 08:09 PM
23-02-2025 08:09 PM
We had our first market back for the year @tyme didn’t go very well. Not many stall holders and not many shoppers.
spent the afternoon on my bed watching tv in the AC. Hot here
what about you?
23-02-2025 08:22 PM
23-02-2025 08:22 PM
Yes, it was hhot this morning here, but thank god it has cooled down now.
I went to church in the morning, then I went to get a few groceries, then hopped online here 🙂 Not much otherwise.
Sorry to hear the market didn't go so well. Can you actually predict when the 'good' times are? Christmas, Easter, school holidays? @Bow
What are you doing the rest of this week?
23-02-2025 08:31 PM
23-02-2025 08:31 PM
Christmas is always a busy time @tyme the rest of the time it can be really hit and miss. School holidays might be busy with extra people around, but then people might be away. Special events are good and really good advertising is a must.
not much on the beginning of the week. Wednesday I have a pdoc appointment with ANOTHER new pdoc 😩 and my CM and SW are both away, so I will have a casual SW come with me who doesn’t know me. Oh and the pdoc is a he. 😩 I’ll have my arts and craft group straight after that if I’m in a state for it.
Thursday is a rough day a yucky trauma.. loss… anniversary and I have an appointment with my psychologist.
Friday groups are doing an op shop crawl. I don’t usually do Friday groups but I might go. And then I need to take one of my kittens out to the shelter to see the vet.
did you do kids ministry today at church?
23-02-2025 08:33 PM
23-02-2025 08:45 PM
23-02-2025 08:45 PM
Thanks @Eve7 🙂
Are you hopping, jumping and skipping yet lol??
I read the posts above, and I don't see you with a walking frame. You'd probably toss it aside and go for a sprint, knowing you!
23-02-2025 08:48 PM
23-02-2025 08:48 PM
No walking frame for me @tyme even though my sister sent mum’s home with my son last week much to my annoyance!!!!
Im being careful but I’m not holding back!
23-02-2025 08:51 PM
23-02-2025 08:51 PM
Makes sense with the busy/non-busy times. @Bow I'm always in awe about your work. I could really seriously see you with a wedding card business or something. Your work is beautiful! The only thing with weddings and stuff is that you have a time limit so it may be stressful in that regard.
Sounds like a lot of appointments again next week. Hope it goes okay for you. What does Friday Groups mean? I don't think I really get it. So with your area mental health, do they have groups on every day and you just pop into whatever group you want? Is that what you mean?
I didn't do any kids ministry at church today. I was looking after the food and prepping that today. I didn't cook it, but it needed heating and stuff. Lately, I've been doing more of the behind-the-scenes work with the youth. So I prepare all the teaching resources, order things etc. Then I give it to the teachers to teach. We all rotate with who is teaching the kids. We have a term each. But I always make the books and stuff.
23-02-2025 08:59 PM
23-02-2025 08:59 PM
@Eve7 , swimming would be therapeutic for you, right?
23-02-2025 09:07 PM
23-02-2025 09:07 PM
Wedding stuff would stress me too much @tyme too much pressure and it would need to be perfect.
groups…. Comm mh referred me to an organisation that supports people with mental health issues- that’s where I get my support worker from. My SW comes to appointments with me, does home visits, social and community access and they run groups every day of the week. Mon is pretty casual, coffee and chat and they usually play board games. Tuesday is like music therapy or something. Wednesday is arts and craft. Thursday is sports. Friday they do something out in the community, the call it small day out. Sat is currently on hold due to staffing and then Sunday is another day out in the community. Every few weeks they will gather with other area offices and do a big day out.
its pretty good.
oh you sound very active in your church. You like a deacon? Couple years back I use to be… but churches hurt people
23-02-2025 09:11 PM
23-02-2025 09:11 PM
I love swimming @tyme almost as much as I love sitting in the sun! My family are all water babies but I’m the worst at swimming. I can swim but not competitively like the rest of the family.
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Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
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To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.
Supporting and promoting the well-being of mental health carers and their families.
Mental Health Carers Austalia.
Our Mission
To be the voice of mental health carers to enable the best life possible.
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We're here to support and promote the well-being of mental health carers and their families
Mental Health Carers Australia is the only national advocacy group solely concerned with the well-being and promotion of the needs of mental health carers.