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Re: Morning has broken

I'm glad the morning went well with your friend, @Eve7 .


How are you sleeping? I know the only relief from grief is sleep really. 


Sending 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Glad your meeting went well yesterday hon @Eve7 

Hoping today is kind to you 💌💌

Re: Morning has broken

Not good today. This is too hard and I’m overwhelmed with grief, pain and sadness.


I haven’t slept at all and the mh murse will be here soon. I’m just rambling take no notice.

Re: Morning has broken

I'll tank notice because I care about you @Eve7 


I'm sorry things are so overwhelming and painful for you.

Is it something you can talk to the mh nurse about?


Please remember we are here for you in any way we can be. 

Re: Morning has broken

I spoke to the mh nurse and she made a suggestion about an admission so I then clammed right up. I feel that's the last thing I want right now. She's going to call me tomorrow to check on my safety. Pdoc returns next week and I'm thinking I'll cancel. It's not as if there's a solution to losing a child.


The sun is shining and the sky is blue everything should be ok in my world but it's not as I feel the only colour I see is grey. I can't even do my Uni work today, everything seems pointless and nothing will ever be the same again.

Re: Morning has broken

Whilst I can't solve anything nor give you any reassurance that things will get better or relate to what you are going through @Eve7, I can be here to listen. To have an open ear, to tell you that you have this community 100% behind you every step of the way.

You matter hon 💕💕

Re: Morning has broken

Thank you @Snowie 


I just don't want to make any sort of effort today to do anything. It is all just way too hard and pointless.


I'm sorry for being so negative and I really don't want to drag anyone else down with me so please just ignore my rambling if it triggers you.

Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 

I can hear the pain in your words and how hard it's been for you

I am so sorry ❤️

We're all here for you

If you feel doing anything today is too much, maybe just have a rest day today? Couch day?

Re: Morning has broken

It's ok to have those days @Eve7 Losing someone isn't linear, I don't think there is a right or wrong way to go about it.

Please don't apologise at all hon. Your feelings and thoughts are very valid. You deserve a place where you can write.

Sending love 💗💗

Re: Morning has broken

I've taken the last of my prn now so hopefully I can sleep the day away and won't need any more until pdoc returns next week as I doubt my GP will give me any.