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Re: Morning has broken

Good Afternoon All

just saying….


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Re: Morning has broken

Good afternoon @Eve7 😊 I can definitely relate to this! I'm envious of those who can fall asleep at the drop of a hat! Sometimes I find doing some breathing exercises before bed helps as well as putting a pillow under my legs. Interested to know if you or any other forum members have any tricks to help you fall asleep? 


Re: Morning has broken

Hi @Eve7 

I take meds to help me sleep but sometimes they don't work. Can totally relate to this especially when I wake up in the early hours of the morning and try and get back to sleep.

I think lack of sleep has a big impact on our mental health.

I hope you day goes well.


@Former-Member I normally listen to recordings to help get to sleep. They are just apps on my phone and some recordings by my psych. I also always sleep with a weighted blanket. I think it helps me feel safer.


Re: Morning has broken

I have meds too @Snowie  and like yours, they don’t always work. Last night was one of those nights. Thanks for the suggestions and for yours too @Former-Member .


Sometimes I play music but last night nothing worked and I’ve been awake since 2am. Nothing planned for today. My brain is spinning with unhelpful thoughts so I’m going through resources my psych has given me and writing in my journal.

Re: Morning has broken

That is a long time to be awake @Eve7 

I hope you are able to have a nap today or at least have a good nights sleep tonight.

I am glad you are using your resources and writing in your journal. I hope they help just a little for your thoughts.

Some days are just write offs hon.  

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Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7 I can relate to this so much. Please be gentle with yourself today and take it slow. I hope by getting those unhelpful thoughts on to the page and utilising your resources assists in bringing you some much need sleepy relief. Sitting with you. 💜


Re: Morning has broken


So cold here too @Snowie ! I don't mind the cold but the wind that has come along with it is just awful.

I hope your dentist appt went ok 😁

hanami 💮

Re: Morning has broken

I am trying to stay awake so that I’ll sleep tonight @Snowie  but I did just have a quick nap.


Not much wind here today and the sun is shining so no weather complaints from me. I did see it was snowing down in Thredbo. When is your first skiing trip @Snowie ?


Thanks for being around today @Former-Member . I have to check in with the local MH team today. I’m so ashamed but grateful for the support.

Re: Morning has broken

You have nothing to be ashamed about @Eve7 

You are doing the best you can and that is enough. I hope your MH team can give you some support.


Our first ski trip is start of July in the school holidays. Hoping there will be enough snow.


Re: Morning has broken

Only another month and you’ll be off skiing @Snowie  I’m so happy for you to have that holiday every year. 

I like sitting inside at the snow drinking hot chocolate and watching everyone zoom down the slopes. 

The wind has started up here again but the sun is still out so I’m sitting by the window trying to stay awake.