I havent posted for an absolute age, heaps has been happening. They added a medication to my regime which has made a huge difference in my life. Im still depressed but the suicidal ideation is gone, so has the hallucinations, derealisations, delusional thinking, etc. The difference that has made is beyond what I can describe. Ive been able to do more aroun the house, cleaning out and sorting out the pantry, fridge, freezer and medicine cabinet. I went through my room as well, it was the first thing I did. I got rid of heaps of shit I have been holding onto for years. I held onto this stuff so that I didnt upset people who had given them to me, but I dont use them and havent for so long. Its a little frustrating, I got rid of all this stuff and then Christmas came again and bam there is new shit I have to hold on to for a while until I can sell it or send it to Goodwill or something. I told my family earlier this year that I want out of the whole Christmas thing, getting and being obligated to give presents. I never know what to get people and just get someone else to tell me what to buy and I rarely get stuff I want or will use. Im a practical person, I like stuff I can use, stuff I will use but I get toys, like this year I got a few stuffed toys which is fine, I sleep with a toy of some kind every night and one of the few stuffed toys fits that bill. I got a toy light saber, what the _____ Im gonna do with that I will never understand. I like star wars but my sister has taken my enjoyment of the movies as some kind of passion, as she has with other movies I like. Im a nerd but not a collect crap from the franchise nerd. Hell they dont even rate in my top loved movies. Ill watch them once or twice but thats it. Ive lost count of the number of times I have watched V for Vendetta, I took time out from a trip to Sydney to get the graphic novel its based on as I couldnt get it else where (Im in SA). If I wasnt going over for work, I probably would have made some other reason to go over and get it. The point is, they dont really know or understand me enough to know the things Id like and the things I would like as gifts. But, the same can be said for me. I have no idea what to buy them, though for the most part if any of us want something we buy it for ourselves. I also dont see the point in having a say $100 or $200 budget for each person, so its just an exchange of gifts where your buying for others and in return they buy for you. You spend roughly the same amount as what you are going to receive as gifts but its your hope that they guy you stuff you want. Id rather just spend the money directly on myself and knowing Ill get the stuff I actually need. I feel like when I get gifts that Ill never use, I have had my money that I spent on them wasted. They got something I know they want, because via a third party its something they have asked for or its gotten out of them. I dont let on about stuff I want, I just buy it myself if I need it (when I have money that is) and no one has ever questioned me for ideas.
Anyhow, thats a small gripe about Christmas. Im not a fan, its all lies, covering the truth and pretending that things are ok for one day. We are all supposed to get on and put things aside, but if we can do it for one day, why not more often? Maybe we could actually resolve some issues, not just pretend they dont exist.
I got a call from my sleep doctors rooms, the results from my sleep study are back and my appointment has been brought forward to Monday instead of the 30th Jan. So, they have some results that must be reasonably important and need to be addressed pretty quickly. My plan competed with my old watch and I upgraded, the new watch tells me that my blood oxygen level drops pretty low when Im asleep, even though I have a CPAP machine. Which would answer some of the questions with my issues. I think that it means Ill have to be on oxygen support while I sleep. I dont mind too much, so long as I can get some real sleep and get back to work again.
Ive been reevaluating my life a lot of late, my health in particualar. What I was eating or more importantly what I was drinking, understanding how many carbs are in a meal, how that applies to drinks etc. has changed the way I look at all that in a massive way. Ive changed my diet heaps, I went from litres of iced coffee and other drinks to litres of water a day. I still have iced coffee and some other drinks, but rarely and a far smaller amount of it. The diet Im trying to stick to makes sure Im eating well rounded foods or in my case more shakes. Making sure my vitamins and minerals etc are all accounted for, with a multi to ensure things arent missed. I dont go without either, my main meals are awesome. I still have occassional meat pie or other things Id like, occasion iced coffee and what not but Im still losing weight, even with my recent weight loss my BMI is still over 50. Im not hating on myself for that, there are a lot of reasons. Not understanding about carbs, how and what makes a meal in the way of carbs, protein and fat is a massive reason. With more info Ive changed, if I understood what I was doing and actively chose to make myself the way I am by what I consumed, then I would have an issue with myself. But I changed based on the information I possessed at the time. Its also primarily about being healthy, not weight loss. I want to improve my health as a primary goal, weight loss comes as part of what Im doing but isnt my primary focus.
Ive also been pretty focused on my finances. Its another area that I havent ever been overly confident with. I never knew if I had the money to get from pay to pay and meet my bills, medical appointments etc. Before I get into it, let me say that while I do work for a bank, its in the recoveries area so I am not at all, in anyway qualified to give financial advise nor should anything I write be taken in anyway as such. This is just recounting an idea and what I am trialling to help me get control and understand my money.
When I was growing up and started earning money, I would get paid in cash in a small envelope, one of the yellow/orange ones. It was still common, particularly in the county where I grew up. I didnt even have a bank account in the early days I dont think. I was taught that you got a bill and you worked out how much you needed to put aside from each pay until it was due. Each pay, you put how much money you had worked out on top of each bill. Once it fell due, you had all the money you needed to pay it. Then Id go to the local post office and pay the bill, yes there was no internet payment or internet banking, the internet was still new so everything was manually done.
When pays went digital, there was nothing to replace this method of managing my bills and I found it really hard to manage my money. Having it all in one pot, not knowing at a glance what was due and when and being able to put money aside for each bill just confused me. So, its always been a bit of a dream for me to find a way to get back to doing things in a similar way. The big banks will generally give you a fee free account if you deposit over a certain amount per month, about basic wage. What I discovered was some of the smaller banks, quite a few actually offer unlimited fee free accounts. The biggest limitation, for me and my purposes is that the card for the accounts were limited.
I went through my expenses and made a list of bills and catagories of expenses that I wanted to treat like a bill, ie my grocery budget, my online meal delivery budget, a budget for shake mixes and so on. I worked out how much of everything I used, like a pack of protien has 33 serves and I needed x amount of serves a month. So I knew I needed so many bags a month and I applied that to everything that I could apply a metric too. Food wise, for what I eat day to day, I have it in my diary when I need to order more of each food or meal item so that I dont run out. I can determine with some level of certantly what I am spending in October of this year, on the provision there are no changes made between now and then. I still have buffers built in but it means that I can have a budget for each expense, that it pretty close to what would be spent.
Each expense category or bill has an associated account with one of a number of banks. Basically, I opened accounts with a few banks so that I had an account for each card design they offered. Some banks only have one debit card design but some have 4 or 5, they are the ones I focused on. I have a number of items that I get that are under a category, ie groceries has a few things that I only need to buy every 2 months. So there is a bank that has an account with a card and then up to 10 sub-accounts under it. I used that bank to put money aside for those things and when it comes to buying the item, I just move the saved funds to the expense/category account which has a card and then I can buy the item when I do the next greater purchase.
Its a little complicated, but I now I have it all sorted (pretty close anyhow) but it means that I am effectively going back to what I did when I was paid cash. Im hoping it works out, I tried a similar thing a while ago but it was too hard with all the medical costs. I got a decent wad of cash from Dad for Christmas so I was able to use that to put some money into certain categories, buy enough to have a pantry (which I have set up in my cupboard in my bedroom). When I get paid next Ill start using the budget, well most of it. Im not using it all because I need some money pointed at more urgent things, but hopefully within the next couple of months it will be up and running fully. Even though Im not using it all, I know where my money is, what its assigned to and that I have enough money aside for bills regardless of when they fall due.
As I say I cleaned out my room. I went back to basics, a minimalist take on things, which is what I prefer. I started tackling things around the house, like the pantry, fridge, freezer etc. Most of which I dont use but are total shambles. I have a couple draws in one of the freezers for my meals I get delivered. I have a shelf in the fridge for my water, defrosting meals, oat milk etc. My towels are dealt with in my room, not with the rest of the family, like most things. I know have my pantry in my room as well. In most things, I am seperated from the family. It does help that I am a minimalist in most everything, like I eat pretty much the same thing daily, just flavor varies a little I chose from a selection of 4 main meals, I just cycle through them. I select from a small selection of shakes etc. So I dont have a huge pantry. But I am sorting some of the communal areas mainly because they do my head in. They are so disorganised and no one will actually organise them, everyone blames the other and I can tell you they are all as bad as the oher.
Not long before I started to make all these changes, before my outlook changed etc I was put on a new medication and I can only conclude that it is a large reason behind the changes. I feel physically and mentally better since starting the medication, more so since stabilising the dose. I think once we can sort out my sleep issues and some of my other physical issues that will only improve further. My pain issues are a ways off being resolved. Im having to reduce my pain medication use a huge amount. Im hoping to get a spinal cord stimulator but I cant while I am on the high dose of pain meds Im on. Its a really painful process, but there again the level of pain meds Im on I was recently told could easily turn deadly.
Its an odd thing, I always said that doctors didnt get it that Id rather risk dying than deal with the pain without pain meds but faced with the prospect of actually dying it was a different story. But at the same time, God damn its hard to deal with the pain, particularly at the moment as I write this, its really bad and getting quite overwhelming.
Its completely amazing and somewhat abhorant. Im not allowed to drive long distances at the moment due to my sleep issues. I get incredibly and overwhelmingly tired with little warning. If Im not occupied then there is a decent chance, if Im remotely tired, that I will just fall asleep. So, even with local driving, which I am allowed to do, I am careful that I am only driving when Im not at all sleepy etc. Dad knows this, yet he makes it as hard as possible for me to actually tie him down and commit to driving me to the city, no matter how important the appointment is. My sister might need him is a common excuse (she is/has been in hospital). I have had to make the trip "worthwhile" and then he complains the whole time about the list of things needing to be done.
Its today thats really ticking me off though. He asked if I could be back up to him to take Mum if he couldnt take her to the doctors, which I said yes. Then its today and Im primary taking her so he can keep working at home. I had a shot at him and said that he has to keep in mind that if I get tired I wont be able to take her. Then it was all bullshit about, "Just dont get tired". Its said 1/2 jokingly, like everything when it comes to my health issues. Shove as much of my stuff under the rug as possible, push me as much as you can and ignore what I have said are my limitation, imposed by doctors or just capable of doing now. I say Im in pain, Im told to "Stop it". My sister has had her spinal stimulator removed as it all got infected. Now its all about how much pain she is in, though she tired Dad out walking around the shops the other day. Me, I manage 4 minutes, or atleast thats what Im supposed to limit to of walking and Im treated like Im full of shit. So, I dont say anything about the gravity of pain Im in then it, I dont say Im in pain so I must not be in that much, not like my sister, who winges the whole damn time. All her medical stuff, thats legit. Mine, not so much or at least being a MAN I should be able to handle. Hell, he did a nice thing and hung up my washing for me, but outside, not on my inside line. Then he left it out on the line until I had to get it off the line myself. Doesnt sound like much but my tendons in my shoulders are being replaced with bone substance, its so painful to get my hands above my head.
Im supposed to keep driving limited, I get around for my stuff and I dont mind helping given the circumstances at home but to have Mum dumped on me so he can keep working around the house isnt in the spirit of things and is just pushing me so he doesnt have to deal with Mum, like I need to deal with her as well as try and drive. I know he gets it, he isnt stupid so he doesnt care or Im just not that important.
Today is a really bad day pain wise, my back is bad but my legs, shoulders/arms and hands are all really bad too. Its knocking me about a fair bit mentally. Ive avoided any extra pain meds, just my base line meds so that I can keep to my pain med reliance and deal with this hyperalgesea thing. I dont know what the go is with my legs, why they are so sore today. I put my compression wear back on not long after I woke up and its calmed them down but its still a bit hard to walk. My shoulders have been steadily getting much worse since the pain relief from the injection wore off. My left arm is really bad, I can hardly lift it, it doesnt like to twist, I used to be able to get my meds into my mouth with that arm/hand but now I cant twist it all enough so I have to transfer it to my right. My right is better than my left but not by a huge amount. Ive brought forward my appointment with the specialist for them to see if there is something he can suggest.
My hands are really painful, my knuckles feel like they are the size of a baby's knee, its really painful to keep them straight and almost impossible to bend them fully. I can type but not properly, Im not really typing with all my fingers. I have my compression gloves on, which have helped a fair bit but more so they help keep them slightly bent which allieviates a fair amount of pain.
Mentally, its kocking me a fair bit. Ive still managed to do the tasks I have set myself daily. I only have my evening routine to do which is more about self care than cleaning etc. Days like this I feel very much like I am trapped inside a body of pain, like Im on a island with an errupting volcano surrounded by a sea of acid. It doenst matter what I do, which way I turn or even if I stay still Im going to be in pain that I just cant escape. The best I can hope for it to minimise the amount of pain I experience, to avoid putting myself in situations where the pain will be worsened. But that means I basically cant live, cant do anything and whats the point of life if you arent able to do anything. I dont really like letting my pain win, I want to keep going, doing something, even if its just writing on here. I dont like the idea of being robbed, I mean a lot is stolen from me due to my pain but its more the stuff that I give away that Im not happy about.