I woke up at 3 am, it took minutes though for me to be overwhelmed by tiredness and I went back to bed. I went back to bed and I woke up with that crap feeling in my head. Its having its moments where its bad and not so bad.
We do live in a large house, we are on a large property but 3 very large dogs and a medium dog is too much. The dogs spend most their time inside, we winge because they lay in the way a lot, door ways, down the hall, in the kitchen etc. but they dont really have anywhere else inside to lay. Because there is so much crap in the house, like there is a path through the lounge from the dinning room to the entry. But we are forever tripping over dogs. Heres the thing about it that ticks me off, 2 of the very large dogs are Mums and she lives in her room and doesnt come out. She rarely has either of them with her and if she does it doesnt take long for her to complain about it, even though they just sit with her. The other very large dog and and the medium dog are my sisters, she has been in and out of hospital for about a year and has just been approved for another 10 week stint away. Its not her fault but what it boils down too is that there really is no need or room for all these dogs. Its made harder because I struggle to walk so often as does my Dad and we are the ones contending with Dogs all day. Dad is the one feeding them, we do their water, we make sure they get time outside etc. But they are not our dogs nor do we really want to keep them.
I couldnt do it, my body will freak out completely if we did, but Id love to go off all my medications and let them all get out of my system and then redo all the tests and determine what medications I actually need to go back on. Then go back on them systematically, add one and determine its effectiveness and side affects, not rule out anything out of the ordinary because its not a known side affect of the medication, take into account the potential and as more are added, increasingly greater potential that there will be medication interactions, not just side affects. I feel like there was too often that this happened, that how I felt didnt conform to the potential side affects of the medication so therefore it was dismissed. The MACS thing does sound like there is a fair bit to do with medication so Im hopeful that they can do something like the above. My GP and I are aware that there are interactions or side affects of my very long list of medications, but what is an interaction or side affect and what is a condition is a bit hard to tell. The shitty thing is that I have to live with these issues and attend specialist appointments to ensure its not something more serious like tumors, sleep disorders and other issues. Ive had so many scans, MRI, CAT, Xray, some with contrast, nucular medicine, sadly I think most have actually yielded results, thankfully most not has bad as it could have been. In many cases, that is because I dont prescribe to my Dad's philosophy of just pushing through. He brought up the feeling sick thing with his GP a number of times and it was only because he saw a walk in doctor that he found out about his cancer, that said, I dont think much of his doctor, who he sees only because Mum sees him and they have for 15 or 20 years. He was once really good but his time has passed, thats not a reflection of him as person, but he has significant illnesses in his own life, prostate cancer, which makes him unreliable as he has to have time off for his treatments and his illness. I dont think he has the energy or the passion for his career, he would be doing the basics of what is needed to stay certified. Some of his calls that he has made recently and some of the things that he does with my Mum are really off putting. He will spend extra time with Mum and not bill it, Mum will book the last appointment of his day and then they can sit and talk. He doesnt bill Mum for all this time, which is exceptionally nice and generour of him but Mum needs a real psychologist and she really needs to see a psychiatrist, I dont think he should be trying to council her, especially given her state of mind a lot of the time. Anyhow, there Dad especially has a push through it mentality and that has resulted in him ending up sicker than he needed to be. I do see there being a large drive of that being from Mum because she does the same thing to me. Its ok to be sick, its ok to be disabled, etc. its just not ok to let any of that get in the way of doing the things Mum wants you to do. The only reason Im getting away with things so well at the moment is that Mum is in her room, my sister has been in hospital so she isnt continually reporting down to Mum, she is having surgery again in a few weeks, so there is likely time where she will be down here more, but then she will be gone again. Who knows, once shes healed up from that, she will go to this other hospital. So, I have a chance where I will be left alone enough to get my way through the circus I am living at the moment, at least until I have some answers and maybe no new questions. Thats something that has perplexed me why all the sudden is there so many questions, why I have had so many issues arise in such a short period of time. How I can go from one set of problems, be investigating them and not even be treating them and a whole new range of issues arrise. Seriously, how can I go from being unwell to really unwell, like incapacitated unwell so quickly. Not to mention the rapid increase in severity of pain in my back. The shoulder involvement, I mean really who saw that coming, and its a rare condition, like how could it not be rare.
I went back to bed, I dont know that I was exactly tired but the dizzy/wonky feeling was really starting to bug me and I just wanted to sleep until it passed. It took a while to get to sleep, something was off with my right leg when I laid down and it didnt want to settle. I got up and came down to the kitchen, I would have sworn I was pretty well awake but I just woke up, at the table. I wasnt a little bit asleep, I was completely out of it. Im still struggling to be awake, my sister came down for a while but I had to go back to bed not long after.
I woke up several hours later and I was dizzy and wonky as shit. A few minutes later my sister asks if Im going into town, I said I cant and she said if I change my mind let her know, like its an optional thing, the way Im feeling. If I could go into town I would, I suppose if later tonight it has worn off I might.
The real lower part of my lower back is really sore, but that happens if I have been laying down too long. Im going to have to have some extra pain killers soon to help manage it.
I just screwed up, my sister is going into town and I asked her to get me some smokes but I have been living off Dads money from his account and I gave her the card for that, which means its going to be an issue that goes to Mum because Dad is helping me. Mum seems to be very against doing that, any kind of financial assistance, like Im the one who made off with a bunch of their money. I know Im 43 and the dependance on my parents is, lets say unusual, being disabled, etc. kinda makes things difficult in that regard. With how things are now, its not possible for me to make it to all my medical appointments without Dads help. $2500 a month in medical costs only leaves like $800 for me for bills and being alive. I get that being sick, going to as many doctors, having as many scans etc. is going to cost money and its got a real good chance of making you depressed. I think I handle the depressive side of things pretty well, Im not saying that Im not depressed, I am, Ive been diagnosed as having depression and I am fully aware if anything is going to make my depression worse, its the shit storm Im facing medically. Tack on the stuff with my Mum, my sister and now my Dads attitude which makes approaching him about anything just about impossible. Yet when it comes to appointment costs, I have to talk to him, I have to ask him to pay once my income runs out. This month, I would hate to know how much I have spent this month on medical costs, after rebates, both medicare and private health. All I do know is that at the end of this, no matter how things turn out, if I am capable of working or not, I am going to be left owing my Dad a butt load of money. He has taken a bank loan for what I did owe at a set point and then there is all the new debt that I have accumulated. I have no idea how much extra I owe him, it kinda scares me to think how much more I owe him, then even more so how much I owe them in total. But what do I do, the income I was getting when I worked fulltime I only just managed on, then they reduced my income quite a lot when I went onto income protection payments and then the increase in medical costs, how the hell am I expected to make ends meet without the increased medical costs, I cant pay for everything. I have no money behind me, if I did I wouldnt any more, it would definately be gone. I get that my parents cant pay for everything either, I do understand that. Ive done the comparrison between how my sister is treated and how I am enough, but Mum makes sure my sister gets a good deal out of my Dad. Where as I am left without that protection. The thing is I dont have enough income to pay for everything, I dont earn enough to pay for life and for all the medical costs. I go to my parents out of desperation, Im out of options that I can come up with alone to pay for the medical expenses and life. By life I mean bills, food and now my only vice which is smoking. I do smoke a lot, though I have cut down. Ive been trying a smoking cessation medication, which helped me cut down but hasnt helped me stop. When I see my GP on Tuesday Im going to talk to her about ceasing the medication, as the desired outcome hasnt been achieved. If I dont need to be on a medication then Id rather not be on it. Its money I dont have to spend and potentially why Im having certain symptoms. I want to just stop the medication but like many of them that I take it might not be safe to do so, I might have to taper off, probably have to taper off.
I dont know what to do, Im stuck. I cant just push through and ignore the medical issues Im facing. They are real and not delusional fantasies and Im not exaggerating how bad they are. I know this is how they think, how they feel. They may not come out and say it straight to my face but if they really understood the pain I am in with my back they would be much more supportive and understanding. You know simple things like offering to do my shopping when I get to the point that I can no longer do it and start using delivery services. I wouldnt accept, I wouldnt add to the workload, but having the offer would make me think that they understood, that they could appreciate the pain I am in. I get they dont experience the pain so they can never truly understand, but they have all fractured a bone, they all know what that feels like. Its painful, especially if its in an area you put load on, to me it shouldnt be that big of a stretch to relate that to multiple fractures T7-T10 in my SPINE! For years I have complained about the pain in my back, for 22 years. Then they do some procedures and make things worse, I dont understand how they have but it has. For all those years, they treated me like they are now, like Im lazy, like Im not worth their time, like I dont matter, as if I havent given up enough to deserve their help. I really feel like they think that I am lying about how bad I feel or even that I have the problems Im saying I do themselves. I mean Mum says to me to stop Googling after this round of diagnosises. Like Im Googling symptoms to tell the Doctor or something, I really didnt understand. I rarely Google my symptoms, it doesnt help, if I do its because we are at a bit of a stand still, like the Doctor or there is little traction. I Google my diagnosed conditions so I can learn how best to manage the conditions. I tell my doctor of my symptoms and for the very most part, I leave it to her to determine whats wrong or who we should go to for more help. I dont know what it is, but Mum doesnt really trust my Doctors, though she does like my current doctor because she has seen her a number of times, though Im not sure if she has really put two and two together and realised that it is one and the same doctor. Actually that might not be so correct, its not the Doctor she doesnt trust. Im relaying the information from the Doctor to her, its me that she doesnt trust. I could be, in her mind I am, making it worse than what the Doctor made it out to be. Anytime I tell her about a condition or situation affecting my health it is down played, same with my sister. I said something about the dizzy wonky feeling and my sister responded saying that she thought it was something to do with my medication, which it completely could be, but how does that make it better? Im still having the issue, my life is still impacted and has to effectively cease in many ways. But ok, its determined that its likely a medication issue, which one? How do we go about determining which one and how do I cope with the side affects of that, is that some time in hospital? It could be a medication thats behind the issue, it could have caused a physical issue to arise. The thing is, while I dont typically Google symptoms, I am really having some issues with staying awake and ofcourse the feeling in my head. So, ofcourse I am going to seek out what help I can find, if there are ways to help me stay awake, if there are ways to reduce the feeling in my head. Ive tried different things, like increasing my carbs and sugar for a little bit to see if that helps, because of my dietry changes recently. From what I can tell they arent the cause. But if I could find something to make it stop then why wouldnt I look, why would I leave it to a Doctor who would have assumed I had done all that anyhow. The other thing it could be, that is likely contributing through out my many issues, but it could be the cause of undiagnosed ones, is stress. See, if you dont believe that my health issues are as bad as I say, if I am having to borrow money to pay for medical costs and know that this is an issue, simply having the issues, seeing my sister get treated so differently, being given assistance seemingly without the issues I experience and despite the financial stuff she has done, despite the fact that I have repaid everything I have borrowed in the past. The only thing I can think of there is that they dont think Ill be able to repay it within their lifetime, which is more and more likely to be true. If your parents treat each other the way mine do, that one minute they are fighting, then they are ignoring each other and then they are spending time together like everything is ok. Its different to how they were as when I was younger, it was more yelling and screaming back then. But its the same root issue, Mum wants to be in control of everything, she wants to command everyones life, she wants to "understand" why people are doing this and that, but she doesnt, so they shouldnt. My sister is much the same. Generally speaking Mum directs towards Dad and my sister towards me predominately but there is a fair bit of cross over. Dad, most of the time now just gives in to them and he expects me to because when I dont it causes problems for him. I generally dont give in, I do what I believe is right, for me first and for them. Im not being selfish but I dont feel that I am a priority in their lives very often or at all, so if Im not a priority in my own life who is going to make me a priority in theirs.
Before I went to bed Dad and I talked, turns out that I have accumulated $25k, that would be on top of the $20k I already owed for earlier medical costs and for helping look after my sister. He said he cant keep going, he cant keep lending me money to help which I understand, though and without being entitled, I know how much money he has access to with their super and I also get that this is for their (Mum and Dads) retirement but I would have thought that my health, my ability to have a life would outweigh that. In that I mean, I need to work out whats wrong with my head and whats wrong with the sleep. If I cant stay awake, I cant work. If I have the wonky/dizzy feeling in the morning and at night then how do I get to work, even if I work from home, how do I maintain that, especially given that its getting worse. Much of the other issues I have had to deal with prior to this have also been similar, in that they impeed my life significantly, cause great deals of pain, would get much worse and in some cases be life threatening if left untreated. I said to Dad that I dont know what to do, like how do I keep just going, with all my issues, just keep going without attending the issues. He said he didnt know either, that he didnt have answers. I said to him that if it were just one issue then I could have probably managed, I might have come to him occassionally for help but for the most part I would have managed but like 8 or 10 significant medical issues to deal with, its just too much. What gets me is, take away my thoughts on the treatment differences between my sister and I, but just in general, no matter how old they are, I would think that if your child comes to you in extreme pain, extremely ill, needing medical attention that regardless of the cost you would be there but apparently it has its limits for my Dad and its still a cost that he is only willing to shoulder temporarily, I still have to repay the cost of it all. Its not even a matter of sharing the load etc. At some point I will be healthy enough that I will then wear the financial burden of this debt and will have to repay it, regardless of how it impacts my financial future. Dad goes on about his and Mums retirement, at this point in the game Im not convinced Ill make it to see retirement age, let alone have the financial backing for a decent retirement myself, but I am to blame for that, thats my responsibility. But Im the one who is selfish, Im just trying to keep what little life I have, Im not trying to prolong it, I dont want to prolong it, Im trying to survive. Mum and Dad are worried about keeping their lifestyle as best they can. I get that. But thats put more important than my well being, which if Im exaggerating or full of shit they wont feel quite so bad about ignoring.
I have been really itchy on the side of my stomach on the right side, after a few days I asked Mum to look when I got out of the shower. For her to look I had to put my towel around my waist and below my stomach. The look of disgust that came upon her face so suddenly and intensily and she didnt even try to hide it, not immediatly anyhow. The face she made was one more of absolute repulsion more than disgust. I ignored what I saw on her face and asked her to look anyhow. She said that there was a rash or something there. I had a rash in my inner elbow recently, which turned out to be Eczema but rashes are not normal for me. Im going to have to talk to my GP tomorrow or Tuesday, it could be nothing but it could point to something else, I mean we have had Cellulitis, then Eczema and now a random rash.
Ive been up for a couple hours now, unsuprisingly Im feeling really quite tired, despite how I feel emotionally. How I feel so hurt and discarded, there shouldnt be so many occassions through my life where that is the end result, that I feel hurt, I feel discarded, I feel my sister has been prioritised over me, that they feel like Im some kind of lier, that I am worthless. To feel like this so regularly there has to be something going on, I cant just randomly feel like this. Im not making it up and if I am feeling like this and have done for most my life and its not correct, maybe your way of interacting with me isnt working and you could maybe try something different, not double down on the same shit. Not tell me Im wrong. Not ignore me and shut me out, especially now that my sister is back in your room.
Well I am now very confident that the last round of injections into my back didnt make things any better, they havent made the situation worse. They did for a while but now thats over its back to how it was before I had them. Im happy that they didnt make things worse but quite disappointed that they didnt improve things, at least a little bit. From my understanding that was very likely my last hope, that was it, Ive made a bit of a last ditch effort and asked about a spinal stimulator, but you know I have my doubts or they would have suggested it previously. I cant think that with multiple fractures that they would be too keen on the idea either.
I told Dad about things, about how I felt pretty shit. You know this is a pretty MASSIVE thing, this is the rest of my life dealing with high does pain medication, Im going to have days where its worse, periods back on even more pain medication and as I get older its likely that my spine and the pain will increase. All I got from him was that he didnt know what to say. He couldnt show the slightest bit of empathy, the slightest bit of compassion, he didnt know what to say and that was it. He couldnt even muster up something like being sorry I am going through this. I cant imagine a conversation with my Mum would go any better, she would likely tell me how I was wrong and there would be more that they could do, that I was being dramatic or something.
Seriously frustrated. Im tired again but at the same time Im somthing, Im wound up, Im irritated, Im miserable, that ones for certain, Im kinda numb, Im tired, Im always tired, Im scared, thats kinda hard to admit but I think understandable, Im frustrated, so frustrated. I went and laid down because I was tired and was feeling like I was just gonna fall asleep, I put on my mask and got into bed. I couldnt get my mask to feel like it was on properly, it kept feeling like I couldnt get enough air. I kept trying to get it to be on my head right, I kept tossing and turning in the bed not being able to get comfortable. My back isnt overly painful, its sore, sore enough but not so much that I need extra pain killers. It wasnt what was causing me to be uncomfortable though, it was more an overall body tenseness, a fidgetyness, my mind wouldnt settle but neither would my body. In the end I gave up, took my mask off, tossing it aside and put my left hand under my head for like seconds before the pain from my shoulder hit me. Then the frustration really hit me, I then felt somewhat mad. I have all the stuff with my back, I talk to Dad about it and get like nothing, I have a raging headache, again, but Ive already had all the painkillers I can for headaches, Im tired, ready to fall asleep where I am, tired, randomly I cant get my mask to sit right on my head, my body and mind are reacting to the anxiety I feel, to top it off I cant even put my damn hand behind my head because it hurts too much. That was all in like 30min and all too often do things like that actually occur, I have a run on of my issues being issues one after the other in a short period of time. It happens a lot because, well there are lots of issues. I mean, I didnt mention that the whole time thats happening I have the stupid wonky, dizzy, shit feeling in the background because why the hell not.
What I dont understand is how my familt dont seem to appreciate how much stress Im actually under. I get each one of us are under stress, there is no shortage of a ridiculous overload of stress for all of us. I dont really want to say that Im exeriencing more stress than anyone else but you would have to agree that medical stress is something else. Im not dealing with little concerns, Im having issues with life long impacts, some with the potential to be life long and others that are just unknown what the cause is altogether. Then there is the financial implications, Im spending my entire income trying to support myself, food, fuel, bills and then what I can spend on medical costs, from there I have been borrowing money from my Dad to cover the remaining costs for the month, until I am paid next, this can be hard because in the first part of the month I have used all my money on the mix of things so when I borrow money from Dad its also pretty much for a mix of things.
I went to my GP appointment, then I had to go to Services SA and then it was off to the chemist for yet more prescription medication. I had to make a few phone calls when I got home and then I went to bed. I just got woken by one of the places returning my call, I want a copy of a report from a psychiatrist I have seen however, they will not release it until they get permission from the psychiatrist and she isnt with that business until Thursday. My appointment is Wednesday, apparently its not possible to send her a txt or an email and ask, apparently one day a week this psychiatris is alive. Im still really tired, Im going to go back to bed in a minute.
Well scratch that, my sister needed to be picked up. Dad had been organised to do it however wasnt answering his phone so she rang me and I went and picked her up. I helped her back to her bed and as I walked back to the car and as I did I was wacked in the face by when wonky/dizzy feeling, so that was pretty much perfect timing. I am now, however very ready for some more sleep. Ive actually been up a fair bit today but now Im getting really tired.
I went and laid down for a while but I just dozed on and off. I couldnt just fall off to sleep. My head is clearly off on one tangent after the other, though all amoungst a similar theme. Dad is also preparing the houses woodwork for repainting and he was sanding while I was laying down, the entire time I was laying all I could hear was the low burr of the sander and it just got inside my head and I couldnt escape the rythmic humm it made which wasnt like overwhelmingly loud but it was so constant, so endless and so persistant. It drove me nuts. I eventually gave up with it all and got out of bed, shortly after which the continual whirr ceased. I had a message from my sister asking if I was ok, I responded and after a few messages found out that Mum was grumpy and that was because her and Dad had talked, which they just cant do. It, to me at least seems to be a fundemental failure for them and again from my view point the primary failure is that Dad, and when talking to others, dont just agree and accept that Mum knows everything, there need not be any engagement, any consultation, talking with Mum generally means you are being informed of your new opinion. If you do put forward your own opinion, you happen to contradict the view Mum has taken, then things are not going to go well. Mum and I butt heads with this a lot because unlike Dad, I dont just accept Mums position on everything, actually there is little that I do. She doesnt leave her room very often, generally its just to go to the doctors and very rarely if people come over. She watches home shows a lot, she has one really good friend who she speaks to pretty well daily and another when she decides she wants to. If you show her any kind of disrespect, regardless of the circumstances, she throws a fit. She decides that she is either gonna get super angry or depressed over it but she wont just accept that she pushed to hard, that others are on edge etc. She pushes what she wants, what she believes happened repeatedly. Even when you think its dealt with randomly it comes out of the blue and your on again. She decides that she saw something on one of her home shows and she wants to do it here. Which means she wants Dad to do it. He is not at all confident he can do it or it will work. In fact sometimes he is quite positive it wont work. Any which way there is a whole team of people behind the scenes helping the presenters, testing, training, etc. People just dont do these amazing decorating feats in front of cameras, week after week, in different houses and different locations, without practice and a lot of expertise. Neither of which Dad has or has the time to obtain.
Last week or so, when the wonky/dizzy feeling started to start happening earlier and I got an appointment with the ENT, I asked my Dad if he would take me to the appointment. I have been stuck and had to drive while the feeling was happening and it was daunting, it was scary as hell and not something I ever want to have to attempt again and that was a short drive from town to home. This would be driving into the city, into a very busy area with roads that were not overly wide. So, having someone else drive me made sense. Dad said he would, but what he meant to say was, I will IF your sister doesnt decide at a later date that she needs me to do something for her. Which, as it so happened became a real possability, my sister made an appointment which would potentially need Dad to take her to and it clashed with when I needed Dad to help me. Instead of telling my sister/Mum that he was already committed to taking me he agreed and let me know that he might not be available. So that kinda left me in a massive bind, I need to get this resolved, I need to work out why Im having this feeling if I want to have any kinda normal life. Like a mate wants to catch up, Im gonna have to organise it to be at like 11am and Ill have to be gone by 2pm because of the issue. How about work, sure Id be able to work from home, its not exactly simple to deal with this and type and concentrate etc. but from their perspective, I should just push through. But what happens when I need to come into the office for some reason, which happens often enough. I cant really say that there is a time limit when I can drive because I havent attended to a medical condition. Would I even continue to keep my license? So, I determined that Id have to just deal with it and hope to God that it was a late onset day, a day where Im lucky enough that the feeling etc doesnt start until later in the day or the first hour or 2 are somewhat manageable. Turns out, at this stage at least, my sister is able to take herself and Dad is taking me. I get my sisters appointment is important, its about organising her time in a mental health facility where they will help her learn to deal with her condition, there is however no entrance date for her. She could, in fact, postpone the appointment as there is no immediate urgency for it in favour of me keeping my appointment, which if I were to reschedual would likely be a couple months before I would get in, as it was before I managed to get in sooner due to my situation. But, in true parental fashion, my sister, be it that she asks for it or not, will be the priority in pretty much all things. I get what is left over which isnt even certain, which is why I have become in so many ways so self sufficient, the only way that they can control me, to impose their will over me is with me owing them money. Im sure that why when I was brought to live in a house that was owned by them, that was more than I could afford and I told them that, then I was left long enough with minimal interation with them, the interaction I do remember was Dad coming and telling me that I needed to pay rent and Mum was mad that I wasnt. But I was left, without any offer of actual help in managing my finances, no help from either Mum or Dad to make sure my rent and bills were paid and that I had enough left to cover medical costs and food, with the understanding that I couldnt at the time, cook for myself. That said, the idea being Mum was going to provide meals because the rent was so much higher to help me out, which she never once did. I would say that I would have been lucky to get a single visit from her. Now to put this in perspective, she didnt work at this point by memory and the humongous obstacle of a drive she would overcome, less that a few minutes, litterally she followed the road out the front of their house and you would end up going past my place. In fact and this is a massive, huge sticking point, when she went to the grocery store, the couple of times a week she would have, she would have driven past my place to get there, unless she deliberatly went a longer way to avoid that. I was home alone, off my face on anti-psychotic medication, she could have chosen to a) stop in and at least say hello, but she was worried she would find me having ended it. My Mum and sister, who lived around the corner, choosing not to visit or help like they said they would, to continue to be there to support me after I left hospital, after the public display of care and affection was over. The time where Mum was to be seen being a good Mum. She was there every day pretty much, but that good Mum up and pissed off the moment I was dumped in the house around the corner. Dad wasnt any better than Mum, he only really visited me to tell me how I wasnt living up to expectations, typically at the behest of Mum. Yeah, Mum would be sitting at my sisters place determining how I was failing, the guy who had just had a brief psychotic episode and was being pumped full of medication was not living up to the standards set for a normal and healthy person. She would then tell Dad, who either having no back bone or agreed with Mum, given it was generally to do with money he would, come round and very rapidly it would turn to how I needed to pay them the money I owed. Particularly for the past 12 years that has been the theme of many discussions, I owe them. Mum loves to put the blame onto Dad for me ending up with that debt, but she has just as much to do with it as him. She has on more than one occassion ensured that debts my sister had disappeared or were at least minimised. She would have also pushed Dad to put through an insurance claim no matter what if the debt were to be incurred by my sister. Just in this short couple of year period I see the true face of my parents, this is before Mums heart issues, before being hit in the head and ending up with a brain injury, its before Dad got cancer and his stomach issues, this is before they got sick and before they can claim that as an excuse for the way Im treated now. There are many other examples, many other big events and every day crap, a life time of them in fact. My Mum wonders why I have mental health issues, which she simultaneously denies, dismisses and diminishes. This is the shit behind so many of my issues. Wow, I never realised or thought of this. I spent muchof my childhood being teased, bullied, abused, beaten, you get the point. I told my parents, I told the school and no one did shit. Even when the opportunity presented itself and my interlect gave good cause for it, my parents still chose not to send me to another school. My Mum goes on about how she was unhappy where we grew up and wanted to move back to the city etc. but I was getting the shit kicked out of me and still it wasnt an option. There was options available, difficult options but 10 or 11 years of worsening abuse at school wasnt enough to get them to do sweet FA. Dad had a job, a house, he liked the town and he believed God had called him there. So, God called him somewhere to sit with his thumb up his arse while he watched his son slowly shrivel into a corn husk, believing no one cared for him, not even his parents. Turns out, maybe I wasnt so far from the truth. If my child was being beaten at school, I would first wonder how the hell I let it get that bad but secondly the principals desks would likely be upturned during out quiet and civil, heated and explosive discussion. I wouldnt rest until they were safe. If I had to give up my job and meet them at the door of class and bring them to the next one I probably would. Schools now days are so violent, so scary, even if your not a victim of being bullied you could find yourself in a dangerous situation without trying. Am I sounding probably over protective and I might well be if I did have kids, given my past. I would do anything I can to protect my kid(s) from being the victim of violence against them in anyway. Ive had enough of it in my life, that to experience more for the sake of anyone I love, probably anyone I have any close affiliation or happen to stumble across being assulted, I would take more. This is the difference between me and the rest of my family, I dont even warrant protection as a child. Talk about it now and My Dad will agree it was bad, Mum doesnt fn remember and asks why I didnt tell her and my sister says it wasnt as bad as I recon. If I give that a little bit of consideration, maybe I wasnt smacked about as often as I recollect, but there again how often is often enough to be the cause of a mental health condition later in life. How often is acceptable, like is it ok if it was just a weekly bashing and my sister has decided that because it wasnt that often it shouldnt have any lasting affect? Heres the thing, if it were only once a year or every recess, lunch and twice after school that I found myself at the brutal end of the kids at school, it has had a long lasting affect on my mental health, on my view of people and the world. So, my sister can believe that it didnt happen as often as I recollect but the outcome is the same. I do know that I would spend my breaks hiding in the library, it was the only time when I was at school when I actually felt safe as the kids couldnt come in and harrass or beat me, it was quiet so they would be found out by the librarian pretty quickly. In class, I tried to sit next to safe kids, they were neutral, no one was my friend but some were neither friend or foe and would only get involved in anyway if they were pressured so sufficiently that they had no other choice. I also remember being at church and being prayed for, something to do with being bullied and the pain etc. and crying for a really really long time, thats also the last time I actually remember crying. It was about that time I decided that they wouldnt see the emotional pain they inflicted, there wasnt much I could do about how my body reacted in the moment but at that point I became much harder, not tougher just harder.
The look that Mum gave me last night when I came out of the shower really got to me. Its played on my mind over night and all day. I cant think that I have ever been looked out with so much repulsion, as if the very sight of me offended someone. At the time I ignored it and continued like nothing happened, I didnt acknowledge it in anyway. However, it hurt a lot. Thats something Mum has been doing a huge amount of late. She claims the same, that I have hurt her. As I anticipated as well, she and I havent spoken just her and I since my sister came home. I was making all the effort and its clear to me that its not reciprocated, if it were Mum would have not allowed a day to go by without dedicating some time to me and well she hasnt. Mum has been on about my weight regularly for a while, the frequency and insensitivity, outright rudeness in many cases have increased. There is some stuff you can chose to just keep to yourself, simply because you thought it doesnt mean you have to share it, even at a later date. I was going to say you can consider if telling someone something that has no bearing on any outcome, if it is benefitial or harmful. But my train of thought stopped there. Mum would have to give a shit to make that consideration. I dont know if she purposefully set out to be harmful, I dont think she cared, she wanted to say something regardless of how it made me feel. She was scared because everyday I went to have a shower I looked fatter. Now, she was aware of this, at the time I was unwell and it was causing me to swell and to bloat so much so that I have been unable to wear underwear for about 6 weeks I suppose because I still have swelling issues, occasional bloating. It would mean that I would be one size and a few hours later I felt like my stomach started just below my chin. More than a couple of times it looked like it was at a right angle just below my man boobs. If it wasnt all that, I was also retaining fluid, like I could gain or lose around 4kg or more in a 24hr period. And here she was getting scared about my weight because I looked like I was getting fatter everyday. Its not just about the weight that bugs me, she was more worried about me putting on more weight, daily, which she would have to have known was in her head because that doesnt really happen, than me being seriously, seriously unwell. Its something she couldnt grasp, I was at home, but I was in hospital at the time, I was in MyHome Hospital. I was on IV antibiotics, which were also making me really sick, I have cellulitis and they couldnt get it to stop coming back. I spent a month on antibiotics, I was in so many ways physically destroyed and what was scarring her was me putting on imaginary weight.
It wasnt the first time she had said something hurtful about my weight, having no idea what I was doing with my life and my diet she would carry on about it. Meanwhile I had started to see a dietician, I had been diagnosed with diabetes and it has been a trigger for me to make significant changes. Im not hitting my targets yet, its not like I can just go from the diet I have had to a much more conscientious diet. As much as it is a learning process as to what, how much, etc I can eat, even the targets themselves, I had some and then had to consider others. Ive had to make a lot of changes, but its not like I just threw away what I had already, I couldnt afford too, I just had to pace it out a bit more. Then I learnt more and I had to do it again and again. The other aspect is if I went from the diet I had to the diet I want overnight, the massive change would be too much for my body to handle and I would likely not do so well. So its a process. Im making changes, Im not disputing that I am more than a big person. Mum may never have reached my milestone, but she too has been more than big, she knows what its like to get the looks etc of strangers. That I dont care about, they upset Mum but never bothered me. The look of my mother, that I cared about. But she has experience with her Mum going on about her weight when she was young, I know what the reaction was like from her if you even hinted at her having put on weight or being concerned when I was young. But now, she thinks its ok that on a rather regular basis to do it too me and I should be thankful? That for her sake I should do something? I dont know. Somehow, its about her, more than its about me, I just have to change for her, I think. Its also only gotten worse since she started taking a diabetes medication offlabel for weightloss and lost some weight. Amazingly, at the same time she stopped piling shit down her throat continuously, so its less about the medication and more about diet change I would think. I always found that entertaining, she is going on about my weight with a half eaten bag of chips next to her bed after consuming Hungry Jacks for tea again.
Anyhow, I have decided a few things. Firstly, Im sick of the comments about my weight, but even more so that look on her face. I have spoken on a number of occassions to her that what she was saying was hurtful. It might be true, but there are ways to discuss things and there are times, weekly or fortnightly arent the times. Im not going to lose a stack of weight in incredibly short periods of time and Im also not going to hear you attack me for being fat and see the error of my ways and change my entire life overnight. Do something that in over 60 years of life, she hasnt been able to do herself. So, I have tried talking, the next recourse is for her not to see me on the way to and from having a shower. There is another shower in the house, my shower chair doesnt fit in it, so I am going to have to start having much shorter and likely much more painful showers going forward. I dont see that I would get a different, smaller shower chair and me in the shower either. Secondly, its clear that the talks that I have been pushing with Mum arent panning out. I wanted to have an opportunity to get to really know my Mum, to have a special relationship with her, despite all the pain, angst and issues she has caused me over my life. She is really sick, its likely that she only has less than a decade to live. I didnt want her to die and her and I to have the relationship we did. Sadly, its sad but good for me in some ways, but lets say sadly, its only been made worse, Ive made a number of realisations, some spurred by our discussions, the stuff Ive discussed and will likey continue to discuss and the overall realisation is that I dont think Mum is capable or willing to meet me where I am, to understand who I am, especially within all the pain and illness, to put herself aside and really get to know me more than her assumptions of who I am and what I feel. To actually care about me, like truely and properly, selflessly care about me. I dont want to say that she doesnt love me, maybe she just doesnt know how to show her love to me in a way I can understand. Loving me out of the equasion, I really wish she liked me, that she trusted me and that she wanted to make time for me. She goes on about my sister and my Dad making time for her, thats what she wants. Mum spends time with my sister, she likes her. Neither Mum or Dad make any time for me. I am very clearly a disappointment for both of them and as a side note, Im pretty confident that Dad has no respect for me as a man. My sister goes on about what Dad thinks of her etc. But as a guy, to feel like your father doesnt respect you as a man and never has, not once, that, well its something.
If I was able to I would move out again in a heart beat, especially if I was able to get onto the NDIS. Dad cleans the house general but apart from that most other things I manage myself. Dad does help a bit, Mum doesnt. Financially, however it is just not possible. Dad was going on about how he wants me to be able to move out of home etc. I had to set him straight last time how it was just a dream, practically it wasnt possible. That financially with my medical issues the costs were too high for me to be able to do it. Not to mention that now I have a massive debt to repay, so even if the health issues all the sudden became a non-issue, repaying the money owed will take its place. Im trapped here, while I didnt say it to him, much of the cause of this rests at his feet.