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Grrrrr! 😡

Apparently being in hospital with  psychotic and suicidal depression is not a reasonable excuse for not contacting centrelink within their 14 day period. 


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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

Oh poor @Former-Member, so sorry they're stuffing you around, stigma is in the systems. They think were all faking (psychs are not doing much in our defense - more stigma). Feel for you.

When I was in hospital a Centrelink representative would come once a week to talk with patients about C'link matters (public Qld) . If you don't have this most hospitals have a social worker you can req to see. Do you have a nominated person to speak up for you?
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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

Not really. Having a cup of tea and a bikkie and I'm just going to do what they say and write a letter to the ombudsman about my complaint. Nothing else I can do really.
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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

Have an extra bikkie.
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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

Centrelink cut me off too when in hospital. Most letters and decisions are computer generated. Doesn't help pay the rent.
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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

oh no @Former-Member 

Not very helpful, there's not much humanity left in centrelink. I hope that the ombudsman can help.

feeling grrrr for you too


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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

hello @Former-Member @Former-Member

go to your gp and ask for a sick certificate for the period that you were in hospital. if your gp wants proof. they can ask for report to be faxed through from hospital.

hospital should have asked who your gp was but more than likely didn't.

if gp tells you to do it.ask receptionist for details of fax..

ring hospital ask to be tsfd to ward that you were in, emergency dept wherever and ask for them to fax a copy of notes from your diagnosis to your doctor - give full name of doctor and name of clinic etc.

if no luck there. there should be a department freedom of information or some such name.

you would benefit if you have someone helping you to do this as you are not long out of hospital and should not be doing this on your own.

once you  receive your sick certificate with relevant dates , take to centrelink with your helper and ask them to backdate your payment.

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Re: Grrrrr! 😡

Hi @Former-Member, I already submitted a centrelink medical certificate from the hospital with all those details on it and more. Centrelink are just being f-heads.
I've had some good bits though after yelling at centrelink for 2 days solid. I've now got sickness payments in place, but I still need to reapply for austudy. Which is complete bullshit as far as I am concerned. Gosh I wished I earned enough for this to not be a problem! I dream of being full time employed for years on end, and *gasp* even getting a house deposit together!
Dream on!

Re: Grrrrr! 😡

Centrelink is ostensibly a heartless machine with grinding cogs of which need lubrication and the proper direction in which to go.