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Something’s not right

Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

Casual Contributor

Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

Hi all.


There is a situation going in my life that has caused me to have an episode. I can't eat my sleep is erratic at best. For 99% of people it would be a trivial matter but for me it's huge. I try and try to let it go and distract myself but my brain just won't stop. This has taken over pretty much every aspect of my life. My partner is amazing and supportive but this takes its toll on her as well. I just don't know what else to do. 


Re: Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

Hi @Bipolarbeagle 


Welcome to the forums. I'm glad that you've felt able to share here and post about what's been going on for you.


It sounds like this situation really has a hold on you at the moment. Other than your partner, have you been able to talk to anyone else about it, or sought support around it?

Re: Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

Hello thanky you for your reply. 

As far as the situation goes it's a legal one and I have spoken to every support service we have buy no help there As for councillors and such due to the amount of need for them recently I haven't been able to find a therepest that doesnt have a 6 month wait time or is even taking on new clients. I have a crisis team if I need it but I'm not quite at that point yet. I don't have any friends to talk to either. I will be seeing my gp next week that's best I've got at the moment. 

Re: Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

hey there @Bipolarbeagle welcome to the forums!


i'm sorry to hear that your recent situation has caused so much overwhelm for you and your partner. i'm really glad you have your partner to talk to about this, and its great you've got a crisis team you can access too. just wanted to share the SANE Support Line can provide free emotional counselling, they're available Mon-Fri 10am-8pm by calling 1800 187 263 (and you can call them as many times as you'd like). 


and the forums community is here for you too, you're not alone 💙

Re: Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

@Bipolarbeagle  Thank you for having the courage to talk about what is bothering you. 


I think we all feel that way sometimes. Like we don't fit into this world or that we are failing while everyone else around us is succeeding. I know I feel like that. 


I think the best advice I can give is focus on the little victories. If you are struggling to eat, whether that be finding the motivation to eat or just unable to eat, make yourself small goals to aim for. Maybe if you have been only really eating the equivalent of one sandwich, maybe aim to eat one and a half sandwiches. Little victories might seem trivial but sometimes they can be the little boosts we need to make it through the day

Re: Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

Thank you so much for reaching out. 

Honestly with bipolar episodes it's hard to think of the little things as victories. 


But today so far I have been able to have some eggs on toast. That's more than I've eatin in a few days. 


So I'm going to hold onto that positive as long as I can. Once again thank you. Sometimes I just need to have focus readjusted. 

Re: Feeling hopeless like I don't fit in this world any more.

I know how you feel, I have schizoaffective disorder and my eating has been terrible these last few weeks, I just don't feel hungry, I'm putting it down to depression, I just don't feel hungry.


I will have to force myself to eat today, but on the upside I've been drinking a lot more water than I usually do so at least I'm getting healthier in one way even if I'm unhealthy in another.


The fact that you had something to eat is a really great step in the right direction and shoes you are making improvements.


Good luck to you.

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