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Early warning signs?

I am a bit confused well not sure how to proceed my psychiatrist said we need to work on making a plan for relapse and that includes doing something when i get my early warning signs but i am a bit confused as to what my early warning signs are often i dont notice specific things until things get really bad so how do you tell when something is just starting but has not gotten really bad yet and could you help suggest some things that might be early warning signs. 


Re: Early warning signs?

Hi @Eden1919 with the early warning signs can you see afterwards what happened beforehand before you got to really bad do you have eating issues too much or too little thoughts going around and around in your head constantly this is what happens to me I get voices too but not everyone does

Re: Early warning signs?

@Pepsimax  Thanks for replying. i can see afterwards but i dont remember the stuff that came before it if that makes sense. i am trying really hard right now but i feel very weird and i dont know if this is something to be concerned about. 

Re: Early warning signs?

Hi @Eden1919 what's making you feel weird do you know

Re: Early warning signs?

@Eden1919 is this a new feeling

Re: Early warning signs?

Is withdrawal from the things you'd normally enjoy be an early warning sign for you? I know it is for me. I also feel electrified feeling 'zaps' through my body a few days before either a manic or depressive phase. Do you know of any physical sensations that you've later identified as an early warning sign?

Re: Early warning signs?

Hi @Queenie @Eden1919 I was just about to say physical symptoms like upset stomach jittery

Re: Early warning signs?

@Pepsimax @Queenie i have felt similar to this before but it is a hard feeling to explain. i feel up and down and i am exhausted and at the same time agitated and scared too. i am really scared becausse i keep having bad thoughts. and i know i said i would be honest with my psychiatrist but i am scared to talk to him because i keep thinking that this world is not real and that everyone in this world is a copy/double but a fake one and the real people are back in the real world and that some evil people trapped me in this fake world because they want to hurt me. also i am feeling really suicidal and i dont know what to do like i am trying to ignore this all but i am scared and i want to cry a lot and i dont trust many people and there is more but it is hard to explain. i also keep feeling like my meds are bad for me and that maybe my psychs want to hurt me but i am really trying to ignore that. is this bad or is it ok like will it go away or um maybe i dont know what should i do? 

Not applicable

Re: Early warning signs?

Hi @Eden1919 🙂

I get the impression you are questioning things for yourself at the moment. I have to say it is good to see that you are able to express honesty here. Honesty with your psychiatrist will hopefully come too. I wonder if you find it helpful to write things down? Maybe keeping a journal might help you gather some of your thoughts and feelings?

With feelings and thoughts around suicide, please continue to reach out;

Suicide Call Back 1300 659 467

Lifeline 13 11 14

Do you have any appointments booked this week for check ins with any of your treatment team?

Re: Early warning signs?

@Eden1919 when do you see your psychiatrist next is it soon I know it's hard but you need to tell him