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A new problem for me.....

I have a new issue that is rather unwelcome.......

After years of post natal depression, followed by major depression (now well controlled with medication) - this all started 20 years ago......  I now seem to have agrophobia and a real slump in self esteem to go with it Smiley Sad


Any bright ideas????




Re: A new problem for me.....

Be super kind to yourself. You have been through a difficult time, and most of the time our self esteem is the first thing to crumble. Look at what you are achieving right are your resources wisely. And going online to support others! How great is that?

Re: A new problem for me.....

I agreee with the allesandraster! Suggest yourself positively. Think of what you are doing right and how those values and choices define who you are as a human being. 🙂

Re: A new problem for me.....

Wow you've overcome so much! I'm sure you can get through this as well. Maybe try some Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. That helped me heaps with anxiety and panic. There are lots of good programs online now (I think moodgym us a good, free one.) Hope you feel  better soon!

Re: A new problem for me.....

What a drag eh? Sometimes it feels like one thing after another. Do you have a good friend you can talk about these sort of things to? As the other responses, be gentle with yourself and do the affirmation thing when in the bathroom, look in the mirror and say OUT LOUD some positive thing about yourself. Have you ever heard or done a WRAP program?

Re: A new problem for me.....

Hi Cuzin,

Things sound tough. Smiley Sad 

This Way Up has some self-help strategies online that you can also try, which is for anxiety disorders like agrophobia. 

Another option is to see your GP, perhaps a locum doctor. They can do an assessment and refer you to a psychologist. 

I hope you find some of this info useful.


Re: A new problem for me.....

No, I've never heaerd of that one!

What is it and where would I find it???

Re: A new problem for me.....

Ta! Am in contact with my GP as I also have a chronic medical condition (MS). Thanks for the link too 🙂

Re: A new problem for me.....

Ugh. Agoraphobia is no fun at all. I was housebound for 18 months at my worst, and getting out of the house can still be a struggle on bad days. I dropped out of school (and uni, and any number of independant courses) due to this and it really set me back in my education not to mention money!

Eventually I was hiding under the bed and crying because I could hear kids coming home from school on the street 3 floors below.... I knew then that just staying inside was not cutting it anymore, the 'safe' places were shrinking and shrinking.

That was when I really had to face up that just avoiding the places that made me anxious was not actually helping, because the anxiety was inside me, and if I made my whole world just one room it would still be there, in the corners and at the edges of whatever limitation I set for myself.

CBT and NLP (neurolinguistic programming) were what worked best for me in reducing the anxiety I felt, as well as general anxiety reducing techniques like balanced breathing, mindfulness, meditation etc.

It was slow going and there were a lot of years where it was hard to hold down a job or friendships because leaving the house was such a massive ordeal, but I am now able to hold down a job, have something of a social life, do my own shopping and even occassionally go to a show or public event (still a challenge!).

I also found that even in 'maintenance mode'  I have to make sure I get out of the house once every couple of days at least, I have to push those boundaries a little beyond comfort on a regular basis,  or my world starts to shrink again.

Re: A new problem for me.....

Hi Cuzin,
I also have both physical and mental disorders. As the saying goes, I must have run over a tinker.

Glad to hear you're coming to grips and finding resources. Keep in touch!