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Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

hugs @Former-Member still sitting with you


Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Good morning everyone @utopia @Faith-and-Hope @Zoe7 @Former-Member @Mazarita @Former-Member 🌸🌸🌸💖💖💖

Goodmorning my friend @Former-Member
We can get through today. Im right beside you and your with me ❣❣❣ good luck today hugs to you 🌸💚💚⛦⛦⛦⛦

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

thanks @outlander you too xx

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hi guys... whoever may be out there this evening. I have had this weird thing happen and it's really bothering me so I was wondering if anyone knows anything about it.

I cannot for the life of me remember my psychiatrists face. No idea what his hair or anything looks like, if he has glasses, the tone of his skin - nothing. Every time I try to picture him in my head I get the image of the pharmacist from my work instead (and I can't stand him) so it's really bothering me, I'm becoming a bit obsessed with it. I tried to google a picture of him but couldn't find one. Do you think the tablets are messing with me? Or is this a common sort of thing? This has never happened to me before. It's made me start doubting if he's even real because how come I can't remember him? I know deep down he is real but it's just such a frustrating thing to have no idea what he looks like and I've spent 2 hours of my life with the man. Makes me doubt myself so much. I've worked myself up into a bit of a state. Has anyone experienced this before??

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

He is real @Former-Member

You were in quite a state the last time you went so i doubt you were taking in features of him. You were just getting there and in a hurry

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Hi @Former-Member ....

Just the fact that you are struggling to remember what your psychiatrist looks like tells me that you are a visual-spatial learner ..... you process language as pictures in your head, methinks .... arty people do ..... and tend to see the overall (global) picture rather than piecing things together step by step .....

Do you know that people who are predimanently audio-sequential processors don't "see" anything at all in their mind's eye ? I was gob-smacked when I learned that from an educational psychologist ..... cos my kids and I are really visual.

Okay ..... what does that mean for the fact that you can't remember the guy's face ? Stress will do that to you, and fatigue ..... it interferes with your mental processing, and tends to shut down your visualising ability temporarily. Medication might do that too, perhaps in conjunction with stress and fatigue. It's a real bummer in exam situations if you're stressed out, I can tell you .... can leave you with zero recall mind blanks ..... grrr :face_with_rolling_eyes:

Just wanted to tell you so you don't totally stress out until you get the chance to mention it to your dr .....

Hugs 💕

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

Thank you @Faith-and-Hope and @outlander ... I guess I need to try and let it go. I feel like it's going to frustrate the heck out of me until I can see him

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

its bugging youo becasue you keep thinking about it @Former-Member 

maybe if you jsut leave it for now his name might pop up into your head and bring back a few memories but you werent in a good headspace to be taking int eh sights when you were there last.

dont be too hard on yourself- jsut rmemeber youve ONLY seen him twice and its not a weekly occurance


how has your day been other than that?

Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

If you relax @Former-Member, your visual recall should return ..... just like forgetting the name of something and it comes back to you later when you're not stressing about it any more .....


Re: 1st appointment with psychiatrist - what to expect?

I haven't been able to remember him for the last few days. And I can't remember his voice or or how tall he is or anything. It's bizzare. @Faith-and-Hope @outlander