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The anything but "it" thread

Welcome to the Anything but "it" thread - a dedicated place for distractions!

The idea: Pick a game, make a game, bring your own distraction, have a chat (maybe even a laugh) to stay busy if it helps. 

Here are some ideas that might be helpful distractions, or ways to have some fun thinking about anything but "it" for a while:

* The getting to know you questions game. Here's a thread with some great ideas for getting to know you questions - thanks 5-HT

* The Lyrics Game - Lisajane started this great lyrics game thread here

* The classic 20 Questions, also known as Animal, Vegetable or Mineral

* Virtual Celebrity Heads - each person chooses a celebrity for someone else, then using yes/no questions, take turns in guessing until someone guesses correctly

*Two Truths and a Tale - tell two truths and one not-truth about yourself and others guess which is the not-truth

* Would You Rather? - ask someone a question with two options to choose from and they explain why. Example: Would you rather have a horses tail or a unicorn horn? Or for the more serious - would you rather be rich and live a short life, or poor and live a long life? 


That will do for now - we can add as we go if we like 🙂

554 REPLIES 554

Re: The anything but "it" thread

@outlander and @Pepsimax - here it is. I am going to edit some links in and fix that up because some funky stuff happened when I first posted. Wanna play? 🙂

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Sure @CheerBear

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Anything standing out to you @outlander? Want to play 20 questions? 🙂

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Sure lets play that no idea what that is but yes lets do that one @CheerBear

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Ok well how about I start @outlander. (the idea is that someone picks an animal vegetable or mineral and others ask questions that can be answered with only yes or no. You have 20 questions to guess)

So I am thinking of an animal 😄 

(now you ask a yes/no answerable question. *hint - start BIG like "Does it live in the ocean? Is it a mammal?")

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Oooh now i get it

Ok does it live in the ocean?

Re: The anything but "it" thread

No @outlander 🙂

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Are you a large animal @CheerBear

Re: The anything but "it" thread

Yes @outlander (question2)