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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51


Your journey toward wisdom involves keeping quotes and thinking about them


So you need two pieces of equipment - one slightly more important than the other


The first is a pen that works and the second a note book


The pen is the most important - you can always write on your hand - your arms - your sleeve - wherever -


But you must have a pen


But I am pleased you heard a good quote - and thanks for sharing

Content/trigger warning


What I need to know is how to get ride of a spoiler when I hit the wrote emoji



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Arrkkkk @Shaz51


What a terrible day - my stars - I'm glad your hubby got a good sleep with his sleeping pill


I hape you managed to have one


I did - I liked it so much I wish I could go back and have some more -


My hope is that things improve for you



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Decadian

That is the thing @Decadian, they are not working , not sleeping well since going off the anti anxiety meds

Even last niht he took 2 sleeping tablets and they didn`t work

How ae you ?/ how is your weekend going @Decadian

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

that is good advice @Decadian 

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Happy Friday all!

How is everyone?

I am nauseous, anxious, depressed & in pain.... But a few people are glad I'm alive, so I guess there is a point... Sorry... It is such a struggle at the moment.... I hope others are coping better!

What is for dinner? I asked my partner for burritos - he hasn't started preparing them yet though - I'm hoping food might help the nausea... (We also have ingredients for tofu & mushroom lasagna, so hopefully we have that tomorrow!) Anyhow, I have some peppermint tea in the meantime.

My favourite kitten is curled up in my lap <3.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member, @NikNik@Shaz51@Decadian@Mazarita@Appleblossom@PeppiPatty and all the other forumites 🙂


Gosh @Former-Member, sounds like you are havign a tough time of late, but yes i am glad you are alive, i like reading your messages and hearing about the adorable kittens. they look so beautiful.


Tonight i thought i would bring stuffed mushrooms and tomatoes, for all the vegans here 😉


Sorry if i am on and off tonight, i just wanted to say hi to everyone, you are all in my thoughts and i send well wishes out to everyone on the sane forums.


hugs to you all



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Former-Member  @Jacques

So far dinner sounds great.  I'll bring a vego pizza but it will have cheese on it (sorry vegans) just coz I love it.

Sorry to hear the dental nightmare continues for you @Former-Member.  These days I have full dentures and even though it was years of problems to get to this point I still feel utter relief that I won't have that pain again.  Maybe a pharmacist could recommend something you can tolerate to get you through until you see a dentist.  That's what I did when it became obvious that there were some pain meds I couldn't take.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sorry @eth, i was trying to think of everyone, tye SANE family is getting so big now 🙂

Yum i woild love a slice of veg pizza. Extra mushroom please 🙂

@Former-Member have you tried tooth numbing drops, i use them, it deadens the area to stop the pain

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



This is me right now - I'M LATE and rushing to join you all for dinner!

I had a 5pm dinner tonight - I was starving and rather than snack until dinner time (by which time I would be full) we just made dinner Smiley LOL

@Former-Member I'm so glad you joined us tonight, even though you're in pain and feeling crappy. I hope we can lift your spirits, even just a little Heart

Great to see you all. Everyone's food sounds good!

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi All, great to read your stories, recipes, life options, struggles & victories. Impossible to keep up so present moment feasting is apt.

I'm having BUTTER CHICKEN & RICE. Boiled up the rice, steamed broccoli & carrots but the source is out of a jar. Quite yum if i do say myself.