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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good thanks @Angels333. It's been a busy week. Looking forward to the weekend 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

got anythink planned for the weekend @NikNik, @Angels333

I am going to a cent sale tomorrow , shopping on sunday

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My son 14 yo bought himself a mountain bike. He works at the iga and aaved for it. So we are going early to the bike shop.

Then in the afternoon I am going to an art group. I'm bringing some clay so we are doing clay sculptures tomorrow

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Shaz51 and @Former-Member


Are you the people who have family members with Chrones - one of my friends has this and she gets really ill - it must be very difficult to manage and it gets worse with stress - and bad luck!! - if we have stressful events - we will suffer stress - and all the more so with Chrones


Princes Albert who was Queen Victoria's husband is believed to have Chroens disease - he had stomach troubles and all sorts of pain in his legs and whatever happens - and a person needs to live as peacefully as possible and he didn't


Sorry about this history lesson - I hope both of you and your family members are coping okay with this - I know it's not easy to have a family member with a debilitating illness

So I wish all of you the best




Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hello @Decadian, how are you ?

thank you for the information -- I didn`t know that , it explains why my husband has a lot of stomach troubles

@Angels333 husband has Chroens disease 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Shaz and Angel

I'm glad I could add something to the subject of Chroens - and to spell it properly.

I don't know why but somehow it helps to know we are not alone with a horrible and uncomfortable dis-ease - it's hard enough to live in this Fast-Lane Society without something extra in the mix

I am a font of trivial information - I love to share it when it can be helpful - or (blush) even when it's not


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Decadian

I am a font of trivial information - I love to share it when it can be helpful - or (blush) even when it's not --- you can share any information with us , My hubby likes looking those things up , so keep it up

and you can even open a new tread

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Shaz51 do you have a thread?

I have something to write about intelligence, I read this morning that pure intelligence is what you aspire to have and thats empathy.

And you got heaps of that @Shaz51

Also, just to let you know.......when my oldest son had his first Psychosis, I was talking to my oldest brother who is a Uni proffessour and so is his wife, well, he was telling me that he had Never seen or dealt with what was happening with him. He had no experience in what was happening, he said that some students had had appiontments with him and told him of having breakdowns but he didnt understand it until it happened to someone in his family. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

empathy.And you got heaps of that @Shaz51,

.oh wow  my friend  @PeppiPatty--- Me

I have something to write about intelligence -- I thought @Decadian should start a tread , he is soo great with information , it would be interesting

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Shaz51


I could start a thread if people would enjoy it - you know - the light-hearted side of life with a little serious stuff to keep it in the real world


How about Things we should know but don't - or


I have learned...............


Something like that?


Let me know if this is something that could be useful


And I feel really pleased with this idea

