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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

So cute @CherryBomb, that can't be for real? would be so funny if it is ๐Ÿ™‚


Well the best present i have ever received was spending the day with mum and dad one year at the beach, we had so much fun, i remember it often, to me it is the simple things in life, today i was thankful for all the animals i could watch playing at the farm. 


Material things come and go, but memories last a lifetime.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @Mazarita I am new to this and I am keen to join in..โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜Š
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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Mm thoughtful presents.... I'm not sure - can't go past things the kids have made for me though! And a few special things that students have written for me.

Tomorrow I'm going curl up in a ball and hibernate I think.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Jacques,

Love LOVE your idea about putting the story together. Let's touch base via email in a few days to organise it?  

And no, the pics are not real. I mean, they are acutal animal, but I don't think they are acutally doing  the postures, but have been photoshopped and stitched together. There's some other outrageous pics in the calendar of dogs and kittens doing yoga in odd positions, and I don't think it would be possible to them into those types of moves. 

Your gift with your parents at the beach sounds beautiful. I think my best gift is similar, going camping with my dad. He helped me to appreciate the outdoors, part of why I love being out in nature these days. 

What about everyone else? @Ladybird @Former-Member @Mazarita?

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @CherryBomb - I love it! We got The Big Issue calender for next year ๐Ÿ™‚
@Jacques that is horrible trauma to endure.. Sorry. I'm glad you & your mum are eating better ~ lots of salads is an awesome step in the right direction! Yes, Katniss probably knows ๐Ÿ˜„ Thank you re being a great mum - still undecided on the descion, but I have time - I'm 33. I don't want to be taking any medication if I become pregnant. I don't care how safe the doctors say some of the drugs are...


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@CherryBomb To answer your questions, best xmas presents would be what I got from my partner this year of course! Bamboo blind for my bedroom doorway (the old one is in tatters). New keyboard and mouse to replace my ancient ones with the letters worn away. Simple sundress that I'm wearing now. The blind and the dress are both purple, one of my favorite colours (I even have purple sheets on my bed, lol). Next couple of days I'd like to get out on the beach, hopefully both days. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

OMG @Former-Member, you are the same age as me ๐Ÿ˜„  yes i agree, i don't trust medication either, mine has some serious side effects i struggle with daily, you are right you are still a healthy young lady, you have plenty of time. just allow things to progress at their own pace, you will be alright. 


Namaste to you to Anna, wow my Oma's name was Anna.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @CherryBomb, i was so nervous about mentioning it, i thought you would hate the idea, thank you for allowing me to contribute something ๐Ÿ™‚


Yes that is fine, Just email me and i will send yo ua copy, if you have any suggestions for improvements i would greatly appreaciate it ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita sounds like your partner did well, and got you some beautiful treats!

@Former-Member, I love things that are made. I'm thinking that next year, for fun, that my family make something for each other. This year my partner made me a braclet. It's really beautiful. I love the fact that he's had to hide out at home and make it with me here. I also got a mortel and pastel, which I LOVE. Perhap these two things can be added to my favourite list. 

@Former-Member, I had no idea that that there's bigger version. I may need to track it down. Would be a great gift for a few others that I know. 

@Jacques, I'm glad you brought up the idea. It's wonderful!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

True memories with parents at Christmas comes flooding back this year as I spend Christmas with my daughter without family.  Yesterday we were shopping and I wanted Turkey legs and she told me I was being pretentious we don't eat turkey and have never had turkey at Christmas...I told her when I was little we had turkey every parents made sure that we had 2 turkeys so that we all got a leg each...then I grew up and Christmas each year is less traditional and less formal - no new clothes to wear this year, last year we spent it in Hong Kong at the Airport, our meals are more like every day dinners - bbq salads and desert instead of a Christmas Feast that I grew up with in the 80s'...