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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thankyou @Mazarita, i hope you are right, i am so scared it is something bad. i just need to stop focusing on the future and what if's and stay in the present.


Sorry @Mazarita@PeppiPatty and @Former-Member, i am so exhausted i am going to call it a night.


Thank you all so much for the support, you are all great people, great friends.


@NikNik, thank you for allowing me to speak here, it is all i have. i was a mess when i got home, i am feeling a little better. 


Good night all.


Be kind to yourselves, please have a merry Christmas if you are not on next friday.


Thank you all



Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

From imdb - In the early 1960s, CIA agent Napoleon Solo and KGB operative Illya Kuryakin participate in a joint mission against a mysterious criminal organization, which is working to proliferate nuclear weapons. New movie - got it out on dvd - really good - would like to watch it again without distractions. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good night, @Jacques, and thank you. Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


Our next Friday Feast will be Christmas night!


At 6pm AEDT we will kick off a special edition of Friday Feast! For those who are new to Friday Feast, it’s our opportunity every Friday to sit, have a chat and have a virtual meal together. If you haven't already, register here, to be able to participate!


So if you’re around on Christmas night, don’t forget to bring a virtual festive plate of food and a bad bon-bon joke.




In the meantime, check out this discussion about spending Christmas alone.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast



Who's around for our special Chritmas Friday Feast?

@aButterfly @lisajane @Mazarita @MoonGal @TwoWays @PeppiPatty @Jacques @Appleblossom @Crazy_Bug_Lady??

 I'm making a vegetable lasagne - sorry to all the meat eaters if you were hoping for Turkey, I don't eat meat. But perhaps someone else can bring the Turkey! I actually made it yesterday, and posted in this thread, thinking it was Christmas, only to realise that I got my days wrong. Thankfully @Jacques alerted me to the fact that it Christmas eve.  Whoops! 


Screenshot 2015-12-24 18.08.57.png



What's everyone up to today? I'm in the Blue Mountains, and it's been a beautiful cool day. I went for a walk to some nearby waterfalls. It was stunning. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good evening all and Merry Christmas to everyone, my first time here.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

G'day @Aries and a merry welcome to you. Smiley Happy

How's your day been?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Here's a photo from my walk today. I've just moved to the Blue Mountains from interstate, and opted to stay home this year. It's been quiet and peaceful, after a stressful few weeks moving and unpacking. Hope you've all had a good day. 

Screenshot 2015-12-25 18.19.00.png


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Relaxing, enjoyed watching my young adult children open presents, then really not a great deal. We took our dog to the river for a while to cool off which he loves. How was your day? Blue Mountains is one of my favourite places in Australia, beautiful.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I went to my parents yesterday after work, and my two sisters and younger brother all came. My older brother lives in Sydney, so there's a bit of distance unfortunately.

We all stayed the night, and had a family breakfast this morning together along with a family my parents/youngest sister are friends with.


My parents left around midday, they're driving up to my Nan's in Sydney to see my aunty and my brother.

So I'm home now, and very happy to be home safe after all the time spent with people. Woman LOL


I got lots of stuff for my heifer, so I'm pretty pleased. My poor family had absolutely no idea what they were buying me, but everything is great.


How is everyone else??