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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

good night                      have a good night sleep

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good night @Shaz51, sorry we did not have longer to speak, maybe another time, when things are better for us both.


Good night @PeppiPatty, sleep well, please give Mr arlo a quick cuddle for me, and maybe an extra piece of ham 🙂


Hope you both sleep well.

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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Dear @Jacques... I'm very sorry to hear. What is wrong with your mum? What can you do to take care of yourself? I'm trying to distract from my various anxieties by talking here & watching a movie (it is a good one too).... *hug* 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Ohhh I gotta answer this one : I wish I knew how to pop a little video on with Arlo on the beach : he's a maniac : he gets into almost handstands that I'm not dragging him in the beach water not to clean his eyes out : he then runs away almost to the road but usually someone is able to hold him for me till I get a leash on him

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you @Former-Member, something is wrong with her kidneys, will not know how serious until the morning, i am hopeing it is not going to be bad news.


i have been doing some bad things to myself to cope, but i am now trying some breathing excercises to stop the chest pains.


I am doing the same @Former-Member i have a movie going and chatting here. i have it turned up loud to stop me thinking too much

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thanks @Jacques Arlo loves you lots now
I'm really sorry about your Mum @Jacques
Please keep us updated.
We are always here to listen to you

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Thank you Anne, i am sure she will be fine, but my mind races to the worst things, i am scared of the what if's
Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I hope she is okay. I know what you mean about "what ifs" Glad you have moved on to healthy ways of coping. What are you watching? I am watching The Man from U.N.C.L.E 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques So sorry about your mum's health crisis. My mum had kidney problems a few years ago but recovered well and is still very active now at 80. I hope for your mum healing well. 

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i was not coping an hour ago, now i am so exhausted, i am starting to nod off, i am watching Pirates of the Carrabean, i can't watch anything too serious, i just want something light.


I have never heard of the man from U.N.C.L.E., what is it about?