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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi crazy bug lady.

I try to distract by doing mandalas, listening to music, using my senses to stay in the present, accepting that they are just thoughts and I do not have to act on them. It's so difficult to manage. I understand the battle people have with this.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Mazarita Maz I spent so much time keeping myself so busy to try and stop myself from thinking. Which has worked for a while, but I need to step back a bit so I can actually make time to focus and work on "recovery". I'd like to hope I can recover...
I have stepped down from my role as Treasurer of our young beef breeder society. It was hard to not put myself up for re-nomination. And harder still to not put my hand up for other roles or smaller tasks... But I figure that will give me a bit more time to focus on myself, and hopefully means I can get better in the long run.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady The range of the things you do is so interesting but I can see how pulling a back from a very full schedule might be a good idea too. It seems like you have a really good grasp on the direction you are heading. I've reclaimed some of that feeling since being on the forum and seeing a new psychiatrist.

Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all,

hope everyone is having a good friday night... we just got home from seeing Oddball... was very cute, nice to see an aussie movie


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Anyone for baked lemon cheesecake (pinched from the net)...

Baked Lemon Cheesecake

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

It's interesting all the strategies you guys have shared to holding out on the SH urges... I think it would be so helpful to add this to 'The Coping Box' which @Crazy_Bug_Lady started a little while ago.


Would those who shared their strategies feel comfortable doing that?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds good @NikNik

Quick question, and I feel a bit silly asking...

How do you link other threads in a comment?? Like you linked the Coping Box one.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Looks tasty @Mazarita !

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast


This is what I currently braiding. The 5c piece is to show how small it is. It's to replace the one I usually wear on my wrist, which finally wore out and fell apart last week.
I like the colours, and they represent different things to me too. Orange represents my struggles with Self Harm, Yellow my Suicidal Thoughts. Blue is for my depressive mood, my 'blues', and white makes me think of peace. And the hope that one day I can recover. One day I will just have white. One day the colours will just be my favourite colours.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Not a silly question at all @Crazy_Bug_Lady

1) Respond to posts (which opens up the text box - as you usually would)

2) Write you response

3) In another window go to the website or page you want to link to

4) highlight the website address and right click

5) Choose 'copy'

6) Go back to your forum response that you're composing and highlight the word you want to link (like I did with Coping Box)

7) In the grey menu bar in the text box, look for the image of the pic of a link (see below)

Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 8.54.20 pm.png

😎 Click on the little pic that looks like a 'link' and the window below will pop up:

Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 8.59.13 pm.png

9) In 'URL' right click and then choose 'paste' and the website address should show (in the example above I have highlighted the word 'Click on' - but whatever you have highlighted should be in 'Text to display'

10) When you click 'ok'  the words you highlighted should be blue and underlined.

I hope this helps!