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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oooo lovely @PeppiPatty, hope you have a great night. Arlo is a cutie!

Thanks for popping in. Smiley Very Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey there @CherryBomb

yum yum I love Indian food !

I'll add some Chicken Tikka, for those who'd like some meat. Don't get me wrong I do love my veggies. 

The tikka should have a bit of kick as well.

I'm sorry I missed last week, when I checked in and saw @Jacques platter and then @NikNik cheese platter my mouth was watering ... I LOVE cheese, all cheese ... except I can't go for the blue cheese that Jacques likes, I sort of think there is a reason food goes mouldy, it's so you know when to chuck it Smiley Wink

Talking about cheese, I better bring some cheese naan too for our curries



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@WombatBoots I love cheese too! It's possibly my most favourite food EVER. Naan is also the best, particularly with cheese. YUM.

Congrats on the new job too! I have no doubt that you will be great support worker. Have you started yet?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @WombatBoots & @CherryBomb,


i hope tonight is treating you well, yumm the currys look good, not to hot for me though, once i start i can't stop, lol. i know iti s not indian but i love mongolian lamb.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oooh Indian!!! I just got home from physio, and I have to head back out in a few minutes to pick up dinner. Which is Indian.

I love cheese, and I love naan @CherryBomb, so you know what I'm getting??? CHEESE NAAN!!! It's been a shitty day, so I'm hoping that cheese naan, and a chat will help. 😏

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Aww. Poor Arlo. Looks sooo sad 😞


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I don't know what to bring to the feast. I'm not very hungry lately. Maybe some vegetarian burgers and a few sesame buns to toast?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady I'm actually eating Indian too right this very second while I type this. Aloo gobi with corn chips - is that weird? It's tasty anyhoo! I'm jealous of your cheese naan!

Hi @Jacques and @Ellie both your dishes sound lovely! Thanks for bringing a plate.

How's everyone been this week? It's national stressdown week! So I hope it's been a  relatively non stressful week. I've just come back from holidays.

@Crazy_Bug_Lady you've had shitty day? What's happened? Sending you cuddles...


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I've been really down this week, my mood and thoughts are at a low point and i am not excercising, just one of those weeks.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

ceasar_salad_with_dover_sole_shredded_parmesan_and_cajun_cro.jpgCheers everybody .. we are having chicken caesar tonight.  I am not doing as many curries as I used to .. but my local supermarket no longer stocks my favourite dressing .. and I am too lazy to learn how to make it .. just yet anyway