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Re: The Beer Garden

Gingerbread and tea for anyone who wants some. Sadly no wine for me. ๐Ÿ˜ข
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Re: The Beer Garden

Hi @Former-Member.  I think I know you from another Forum early this year.  If it is the same Yggy, it is lovely to see you again my friend.  And if you are a different Yggy, then its lovely to meet you.

@Shaz51@TAB@Queenie@GonePirate@Faith-and-Hope@Former-Member @JoseJones - Hello to you all.  I hope that Christmas does not treat you too harshly this year.  My hope is that you get something good out of it, and that you spend some quality time with family and friends during this holiday season.  I know its a really difficult time for many of us.  But I am hoping it wont be ALL bad

Cant stay now, but I may drop in again later.


Re: The Beer Garden

Pass , sorry, bit pre occupied by other humans of way too similar genetic disposition ..๐Ÿ˜ฌ

Re: The Beer Garden

Goodevening everyone - when's happy hour!

Re: The Beer Garden

That will be nice @Former-Member xx

Hello @Zoe7 xx

Hello @Former-Member, how are you going xx

Not applicable

Re: The Beer Garden

Hiya @Shaz51..thanks for call out..
How are you lovely?
Hi @Former-Member thinking of you...take care. U deserve peace โค
Hi @Former-Member, @TAB...cider for me please. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Re: The Beer Garden

Yeah little miss muffett lol sh* hitting fan soon back tomoz prob

Re: The Beer Garden

@Shaz51 and everyone else.

doing ok. Just got back from the beach so have been to my 'happy place'. Still alot to do before tomorrow but actually not stressed about it at the moment. Need to wash the dog - gone from white fluffball to a greyish coloured drowned rat - glad I didn't vacuum earlier!!!!

A non-alcoholic (huge) drink please - who is the bartender here anyway!!! LOL

Re: The Beer Garden

Hello @Former-Member

apple or pear cider my friend , here you go xoxo

gone from white fluffball to a greyish coloured drowned rat --- ha ha just that image made me laugh @Zoe7 sorry xx

A non-alcoholic (huge) drink please -- here you are @Zoe7, enjoy



Re: The Beer Garden

cheese platter anyone


cheese plate.jpg